
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



Weekend Wednesday

What if we changed how the work week works

Weekend Wednesday is a concept of a new work week. Many people find the 5 straight days of work tiring, so what if we turned Wednesday to a weekend, and made Saturday into a work day. What this does, is create 2 days of work, then a break, then 3 days of work, and then another break.

During the standard work week, there are 5 days of work, and then 2 rest days. What ends up happening, is that Saturday ends up just being a crash day, and Sunday is good but you have the thought of the next 5 days ahead of you again. With the concept of Weekend Wednesday, you work 2 days, and then you have a break, and because you only had 2 days of work, you aren’t tired, and can fully recharge during the break. Then you have the next 3 days, which get you a bit more tired, but you are looking forward to the weekend ahead, and can still enjoy the break although a bit tired.

With this schedule, it is proven that the working days are more productive and the breaks are more relaxing. If you think about it, Wednesday being a weekend is actually really usefully, because let’s say you want to go to a amusement park for example, it will be empty because while everyone is working, you have your break.  There are still a few downsides to Weekend Wednesday. One of the downsides is that taking vacations may be more difficult, since you do not have the 2 days in a row.

It is obvious not everyone can work on this schedule, but if you are self employed or can choose your hours, or can choose what days you take your classes, I would suggest Weekend Wednesday for you.

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