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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



BioMedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering is the biological or medical application of engineering principles or engineering equipment — called also biomedical engineering.

Human brain


By: Zouli Alexandratos, Journalist
Concussions are brain injuries. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.
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orange green and yellow plastic toy

Braces or Invisalign

By: Zouli Alexandratos, Journalist
Invisalign and braces are both orthodontic equipment that you put in your mouth to fix your teeth or jaw. The best treatment depends on what you need or what your orthodontist prefers.
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Hyperbaric Chamber

Decompression Sickness and the Hyperbaric Chamber

By: Mercer Tomasino, Journalist
Decompression sickness, also called the Bends, occurs when your body experiences a rapid decrease in the pressure of water or air. It most commonly occurs in scuba or deep sea diving. As you lower into the ocean while diving with compressed air, you experience higher water pressure, which causes you to take in more oxygen and nitrogen. Your body can use the oxygen, but the nitrogen is sent into your blood stream, where it stays until the end of your diving trip.
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strawberries in blue baskets

The Strawberry Plant

By: Emma Huang, Journalist
This fascinating plant can duplicate and grow fast and produce delicious berries. Read this article to find out their anatomy, how they grow, and much more!
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silver fishes underwater

Why Fish Skin Could Be The Solution To Problems With Skin Grafts

By: Sofie Schopfer, Journalist
Acellular fish skin grafts have been proven to be faster, less painful, and lower-cost than other common skin grafts. But how does this work, and will fish skin grafts be able to replace the more common ones we use today?
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The Pomato Plant

How To Make A “Potato Tomato”

By: Emma Huang, Journalist
The Pomato or Tomtato, also known as 'Ketchup 'n Fries' is a plant that both grows tomatoes on the top and potatoes beneath the roots. This plant is not genetically modified or cross bred. The plant actually started from the seed of a normal tomato and the bud of an ordinary potato. This article will explain how this Frankenstein-like plant exists and perhaps even instructions to build your own potato-tomato plant.
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Donor Cell Therapy Helps Cure Autoimmune Disorders

Donor Cell Therapy Helps Cure Autoimmune Disorders

By: Kirin Hanson, Journalist
Three patients in China were the first to be treated from autoimmune disorders from modified donor cells. The trial for testing donor cells was led by Xu Huji, a rheumatologist at Naval Medical University in Shanghai.
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Connective Tissue: White Fibrous Connective

How MIT’s Tissue Expansion Makes Nanoscale Imaging Affordable

By: Grayson Matlis, Journalist
Have you ever wondered how scientists are able to see things that are too small to be seen with the naked eye? With the ability to visualize cellular structures at a nanoscale level, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of diseases and develop more effective treatments.
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How Biology Was Changed Forever

How Biology Was Changed Forever

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
In late 1990 the Human Genome Project began with the goal of mapping the entire human genome(or the DNA inside most cells). The project caused huge advancements in the field of Biology and changed it forever.
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How Ants Could Help Diagnose Cancer

How Ants Could Help Diagnose Cancer

By: Mercer Tomasino, Journalist
Even though ants don't have a nose, their sense of smell is very powerful, and may be able to diagnose cancer in an individual earlier than any fancy tech.
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Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia

By: Hamidou Tall, Journalist
A story on the chronic pain disorder, Trigeminal Neuralgia. Trigeminal Neuralgia is a chronic pain disorder that is ranked as one of the top 10 most painful things in the world.
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Visualization of the coronavirus causing COVID-19

The Fast Spreading Monkey-Pox Disease

By: Esah Sheikh, Journalist
Monkey-pox, a fast spreading disease that gives a high fever, headaches, muscle aches, and a rash. Even though Monkey-pox hasn't been known for a while, it is spreading faster than ever in 2024.
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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math
BioMedical Engineering