All content by Jiaxiang Xie
When you think about Artificial Intelligence, Chat-GPT or Alexa probably comes to mind, but AI can be much more than that. From simple if-else AIs, to AI's that can understand emotions, there's not just one singular type of AI that classifies them all. There are four different types of AI, and all four will be covered in this article.
There's a common perception that Apple overprices their products, but if you really look and think about the competition and their own values, you'll realize that it's time to rethink what you think, about Apple. Now this article is not saying that you should go with either an Apple device or any other brand, but to just clear up some things about Apple and Android that needs clearing up.
Commands are really useful when using any Linux based Operating System like Raspberry Pi OS, especially as a maker. Of course, there are hundreds of other individual commands that can be altered, changed, and added onto. This guide will introduce you to the wonderful world of Linux commands.
Out of all the programming languages you've heard of, Python is probably the first one to come to mind. This is because Python is one of the world's most popular programming languages. But the #1 most used programming language is the most hidden. Under each and every website, most games and web servers, lie the programming language that runs it all: Javascript.
Raspberry Pi devices are versatile, affordable, and backed by a great community. They allow you to make a wide range of projects, from retro gaming to home automation, making them a popular choice for tech enthusiasts and hobbyists(Like me).
A CPU composes of billions of transistors, such as the i9–13900K, which have up to about 26 billion transistors. 26. Billion. All inside your everyday computer.
Cloud storage has become more and more popular as the years go on, and big companies like Google or Apple have already dominated the market. What if I told you that you can make your own Cloud server, straight from your home?
Do you want to make an easy to make DIY pet feeder, all under $25? Then this article is for you, featuring customizable times, code, and even models!