
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



    The History Of The Tooth Brush

    The Way The Toothbrush Changed Over Time
    “Toothbrush” by oskay is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

    Today everyone has a toothbrush at home whether is the regular or the electrical one. But, do you know how toothbrushes were first made?. according to history people have found tooth brushes in Egyptian tombs. These tooth brushes date back to 3000-3500 B.C.,  these toothbrushes were made by flaying the ends of twigs. Around 1600 B.C., the Chinese made chewing sticks made from aromatic trees, which were used as toothbrushes. When you chewed on one of these sticks it makes your breath smell good. Later on in the  15th century the Chinese made natural bristle toothbrushes. The bristles were made from pig’s neck and they were put on a bamboo stick or a bone. During the 17th and 18th century the French dentists helped popularize toothbrushes by recommending people to use them. In 1780 there was a mass production on toothbrushes in England. Dr. Meyer made the first three row bristle toothbrush in 1885. During the same time of the new toothbrush design mass production of toothbrushes was happening in the United States. the first nylon brush was made in 1938 after that the toothbrush exploded in popularity.


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    The History of the Toothbrush

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