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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



unpaired red Nike sneaker

Super Shoes Impact On Speed

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
Super shoes make you considerably faster when running, they also pose problems such as making old records insignificant. this poses several moral issues.
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When The Asics Men's Court FF 3 Makes Novak Djokiovic Flawless In The Art Of Tennis.

When The Asics Men’s Court FF 3 Makes Novak Djokiovic Flawless In The Art Of Tennis.

By: Samuel Catindoy, Journalist
Djokiovic is regarded as the best player of all time. Although his skill and mastery takes him to that title, we have to take a look at a crusial aspect in his game. Im talking about the Asics Men's Court FF.
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a close up of a soccer shoe on a field

The History of Football Cleats

By: Gesean Amor, Journalist
How football cleats became as good as they are now.
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OpenGL Licenses

Component Location Primary Author License
standard headers gl/ The Khronos Group, MIT, SGI, and
Brian Paul, Apache 2.0
Silicon Graphics

EGL utilities util/ Google Apache 2.0


Copyright The Khronos Group Inc.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the
"Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to
permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions

Way Of Wade 10’s

By: Aiden Fanueli, Journalist
Have you wanted a shoe that has great traction, cushion and looks good as well? I give you the Way Of  Wade 10's. A shoe that has great support, cushion and traction and I will be telling you all about it.
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person wearing pair of black toe Air Jordan 1's

The History of the Basketball Shoe

By: Alistair Ramthun, Journalist
Many basketball players, young and old, amateur and professional, wear basketball shoes. But how have they changed and improved?
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The Rise of Nike

The Rise of Nike

By: Soham Kolekar, Journalist

Nike, one of the world's most recognizable brands, has a rich history that spans over half a century. Founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight as Blue Ribbon Sports, the company initially operated...

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time lapse photography of person

Worlds Fastest Shoes

By: Noah Siegel, Journalist
How nice would it be to walk on a moving walkway at an airport all the time, you would get places so much faster. This dream is now becoming a reality.
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How New Balance Shoes Are Made

By: Kevin Lopez, Journalist
New Balance shoes: how are these shoes made for such good use?
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Nike’s All-New Self Lacing Shoes

By: Santiago Rivera, Journalist
With the help of a companion app, you may adjust how tight or loose these Bluetooth-enabled shoes are. Prior to becoming a fully functional shoe for consumers, the Nike MAG was created to fit into the sci-fi setting of the year 2015 as depicted in the 1985 film "Back to the Future Part II
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A Brief History on Soccer Cleats

A Brief History on Soccer Cleats

By: Kevin Lopez Caballero, Journalist
Nike soccer cleats are usually used for playing the sport soccer  you wear different cleats depending really on what you like or the position you play .
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"adidas trainers" by autumn_bliss is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.

Recycled Plastics Made Into Shoes

By: Henry Hung, Journalist
Parley for The Oceans, a non-profit organization, is working with Adidas to make shoes out of recycled plastics.
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"rejected running shoes - salomon men's xt wings gtx - _MG_1875" by sean dreilinger is marked with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Finding The Perfect Running Shoes

By: Camryn Swift, Journalist
Running is a complex sport that requires complex shoes. Running shoes have many qualities that ensure you a great run.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology