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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



MacBook Pro turned on

Large Language Models

By: Gadea Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
How did AI advance so far so fast, and become the powerful computing network that it is now? In reality, ChatGPT is just a large exercise in statistics, and though it can't understand words, it can understand numbers.
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flat screen computer monitor displaying white and black screen

Hacking: What It Really Is

By: Christian Jeon, Journalist
Hacking, in the simplest terms, is the process of finding vulnerabilities in a system and exploiting them. Let's break down this process to understand how hacking works.
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Microsoft's Usage of Billions of Gallons of Water for AI

Microsoft’s Usage of Billions of Gallons of Water for AI

By: Brandon Sang-Zheng, Journalist
An 2023 April report revealed that ChatGPT-3's training guzzled up a total of 85,000 gallons of water.
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black flat screen computer monitor

How Computer Adaptive Tests Work

By: Eric Ji, Journalist

Assessments have come a long way from paper pencil tests, to electronical tests, and now to computerized adaptive test (CAT).  CAT tests are constantly used for common tests in schools, businesses, and...

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Black and Gray Computer Motherboard

How Computer RAM Works

By: Desmond Kraft, Journalist
In this article, I will cover what RAM is and which one you should buy for your computer.
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Look at how computers have evolved from time.

History of Computers

By: Amna Muddisser, Journalist
The history of computers make many shocked, and others curious for future generations.
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originally posted to Flickr as Blue Gene / P From Argonne National Laboratory

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Microsoft Spent Millions To Put Together A Supercomputer For OpenAI

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
Microsoft received a unique request from a little-known startup nearly five years ago to assemble computing power on a scale it had never done before.
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Photographed by Michael Philipov, CC.

The Velkase Velka 3

By: Michael Philipov, Journalist

The Velkase Velka 3 is a case with dimensions of 189 x 96 x 218 mm (7.4 x 3.8 x 8.6 in) and an external volume of 3.9 liters and an internal volume of 3.7 liters. It's the smallest case that can operate...

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"Trading stocks on a computer" by ota_photos is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.

Big Five Tech Companies: What are they known for?

By: Henry Hung, Journalist
This article talks about the five biggest tech companies in the world, and their impact to our lives.
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"Brain Computer Interface / g-tech medical engineering" by Ars Electronica is marked with CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Technology in the Brain

By: Zakaria Najmeddine, Journalist
Recently, researchers were able to come down to a decision and have developed neural interface. Neural interface is a technology that links with the nervous system. This technology can be used to stimulate the brain and record movements.
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Meet Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4; The Tablet Powerful Enough To Be Your Laptop

  If you rely on your computer for your job, personal life, or just playing games this is perfect for you. "Not only does it have the specs and screen size to stand in for a full-sized laptop,...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology