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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Lucas Riedel

All content by Lucas Riedel
"File:Volleyball ball.jpg" by Οσελότος is marked with CC0 1.0

How A Volleyball Is Made

By: Lucas Riedel, Journalist
The process of making a simple volley ball.
How To Make A Led Turn On With A Button On Tinkercad And The Elegoo Uno R3

How To Make A Led Turn On With A Button On Tinkercad And The Elegoo Uno R3

By: Lucas Riedel, Journalist

Step 1: Is to go to Tinkercad and Start a new circuit Step 2: Is to get out you materials. So what your going to need is 1 Resistor A Arduino Uno 1 button 1 LED 1 Breadboard Small Step...

Taken from thios

Apex Legends – Horizon

By: Lucas Riedel, Journalist

Horizon is the newest addition to the Apex Legends Legends and is probably one of the best. First of all, we need to talk about her passive ability Spacewalk which makes it so when you fall down you don't...

"Apex-Legends-050219-015" by instacodez is marked with CC PDM 1.0

Apex Legends – BloodHound

By: Lucas Riedel, Journalist
Bloodhound is one of the original characters in the apex games and recently got a massive buff to his kit. So first of all we need to talk about his passive which is called "Tracker" and this ability makes it so he can see if people have came threw or been in the place bloodhound is.
This Picture was taken from

Apex Legends – Loba

By: Lucas Riedel, Journalist

Loba is the 2nd newest Legends to Apex Legends and I think is a great contender in the Apex Arena. Loba is a really versatile character because she can play with more aggressive comps like wraith and octane....

This picture is from the video link

The Japanese Volleyball Association Has Started To Practice With Robot Blockers

By: Lucas Riedel, Journalist

The Japanese Volleyball association is using a new tactic to improve there volleyball skills. ROBOTIC volleyball blocker. They were created by the researches at the Japanese volleyball association and...

License: Public Domain Dedication (CC0) Some rights reserved by repunzel17 In game match

Brawl Stars (Gem Grab, and Duo and Solo Showdown)

By: Lucas Riedel, Journalist
Do you like super cell games? Do you like mobile games?
Umpries walking onto the field. License Attribution Some rights reserved by mark6mauno

Robot Umpires Being Tested In Atlantic League

By: Lucas Riedel, Journalist
Do you like baseball? Do you hate umpires judgement?

New Lexus Hover Board works like Back to the Future’s

By: Lucas Riedel, Journalist
Ever wonder how to hover off the ground? This hoverboard works!
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Lucas Riedel