Hamas Israel conflict explained
On Thursday October 5, morning, over 800 Israeli settlers, including rabbis, heads of settlements associations, and university lecturers from far-right parties, stormed the al-Aqsa mosque compound in East Jerusalem under the watchful eyes of Israeli security forces. According to a source in the Israeli Department of Islamic Endowments in Jerusalem, 832 people entered the religious site compound. On Monday, almost 1,500 Israeli extremists stormed the compound, and severe restrictions were imposed on Muslim worshippers and those under 60. On Thursday, Israeli extremists continued their provocative marches both inside and outside Jerusalem’s Old City, attacking Palestinians and damaging their property. They also beat and spat on journalists in the market area near the compound, where shops were shuttered for the sixth consecutive day. The Al Quds Day holiday, which began on September 29 and ends on Friday, marks the end of the Jewish religious holiday, Sukkot. The Al Quds Day, the holiest site in Islam, and the most significant Muslim place in Palestine.
On Saturday morning October 5, the Palestinian group Hamas launched a massive rocket and mortar attack on Israel, claiming the lives of at least 100 people and injuring more than 1,600. In response, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared that Israel is at war with the Palestinians. The attack involved the launch of thousands of rockets, the infiltration of militants into Israel, and the taking of an unknown number of people hostage.

In the wake of the attack on October 7, the Israeli government launched a series of air strikes against Gaza and declared a “total siege” that would cut off the territory from food, water, fuel, and other supplies. The Israeli government also sent tens of thousands of soldiers to invade the territory, with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu promising to take down Hamas. The conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis has been really tough. Both Hamas And Israel are hitting each other with a lot of fire and fury.
Israel hitting heavy Warfare against Palestinian civilians : According to CBS News Two humanitarian groups and an eye witness told CBS News that Israeli forces have used white phosphorus in their air strikes on the Gaza Strip in the past week, in a move critics say could violate international law that requires military action to prevent civilian injury.
The organization said photos taken on October 9 show Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops had positioned M109 155mm Howitzers near the southern city of Sderot, roughly eight miles from the Gaza border — well within striking distance of the Palestinian territory for the weapons
Palestinians have been suffering living in fear every time a missile strikes and when Israeli Militants drop bombs in Palestine In The Gaza strip Many Palestinians have lost their homes due to this War and are now homeless living in the streets with no food water or internet Many people around The world are supprting Palestine are protesting for a cease fire in places such as New York Saudi Arabia Iran Iraq Washington Dc UAE and many more.
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