
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



How are you able to run for a longer time?

In this article you will be able to know some strategies, so you are able to run for more time and not get tired too quickly.
How are you able to run for a longer time?

While you are running you might tend to get tired super easily and get out of breath, but something helpful for having energy and good health in your body is if you drink plenty of water throughout the day and stay hydrated. An idea to prepare yourself before running a long distance or time, is trying to pace yourself to start running every week increasingly so that your body starts to get use to all force on your legs while running.

By running a lot more often your body and self will stop getting tired so fast because you will be used to running a lot. Some other ideas as for; exercises or warmups you can do are sports that include you are supposed to run to be able to play is like for example soccer, basketball, football etc., also biking, swimming and so much other activities that helps you. These examples of activities that you can do to get better at running for a longer time without getting tired, will be useful for you because it will help your running endurance increase so much.

Sometimes people struggle to breath well while they are running, especially because your building stress up your body from running a long time and it gets difficult for oxygen to get to your organs. One of the main reasons why people find it hard to breath is because they breath throughout their mouth but breathing throughout your mouth is difficult because your mouth tends to get shallow and dry, which will allow you to lose breath quickly. A strategy to support yourself sustainable and run without getting tired too fast is breathing in and out through your nose, which is nasal breathing. Nasal breathing allows moisturizing to happen from all the air that you inhale.

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