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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



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Space Exploration or Ocean Exploration

By: Djaber Bibet, Journalist
Space or Ocean Exploration? Currently the world is set on exploring space. According to NASA, exploring space has a chance of making better discoveries for humanity.
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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

By: Benjamin Plowgian, Journalist
Ocean Thermal Conversion Technology (OTEC), is a renewable power source as old as electricity. It is a baseload source, meaning that there are no fluctuations, so it is a reliable source of energy unlike other renewable sources.
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"Engineering Apprentices at work" by Briscoe French is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Marine Engineer

By: Henry Hung, Journalist
One of the most important and amusing jobs in the ocean engineering industry is a marine engineer.
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"Überprüfung einer Erdgasleitung im Bodensee durch das U-Boot 'Forel' von Jacques Piccard / Rudolf Zündel" is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Who Was Jacques Piccard?

By: Eric Yang, Journalist
Jacques Piccard was one of the men who achieved this goal, he not only achieved it but at the time he broke the record of the lowest recorded depth in the ocean (7 miles deep). They had descended for about five hours to reach a depth of  35,797 feet, at the bottom of the Mariana trench.
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"Subnautica" by mrwynd is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Subnautica Below Zero, A Quick Overview

By: Teddy Dehn, Journalist
The game about life, the ocean, and engineering
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William Bourne's Impact on Ocean Exploration

William Bourne’s Impact on Ocean Exploration

By: Eileen Elliott, Journalist
He designed one of the first recorded submarines.
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Naval Architects. What Do They Do?

Naval Architects. What Do They Do?

By: Jeremy Huang, Journalist

Naval architects. A job you may or may not have heard of before, categorized under ocean engineering. These architects are unique, and they serve a special purpose to the broader category of ocean engineering....

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"Makai OTEC © Makai Ocean Engineering" by aki-kumejima is marked with CC PDM 1.0

What is Ocean Engineering?

By: Pedro Lopez, Journalist
The diversity of this environment and the challenge of the oceans perimeter is to make it an exciting career for young ocean engineers. Students learn to build dikes, flood control systems, and power stations in or near the ocean.
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The Working Conditions of Being an Ocean Engineer

By: Justin Khieu, Journalist
Ocean/marine engineers have tough working conditions. Ocean/marine engineers have a lot of work on both sea and office.
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Nutrient Pollution Filters/Filtration.

By: Alexander Hughes, Journalist
Learn what filters farmers can use to reduce nutrient pollution.
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Who is Graham Hawkes?

Who is Graham Hawkes?

By: Henry Chuong, Journalist

Graham Hawkes is a renowned marine engineer and a designer of submarines. Graham Hawkes was born in London on December 23, 1947. He was an only child. One of his inventions was inventing  the first ever...

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Flood Defense Systems

Flood Defense Systems

By: Philip Hughes, Journalist
Flood defense systems are designed by Ocean Engineers to help control sea water so it doesn't damage buildings and other structures. They are also used to manage flooding risks and overflow from runoff surfaces in curtain areas. They are primarily put in place to prevent or reduce damage flood damage to buildings on the coast.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology