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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Formation of the universe without (above) and with (below) primordial black holes (CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Primordial Black holes

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
Primordial Black holes are the smallest black holes to ever exist in the universe, they were smaller than a proton, & just as mysterious as dark matter. While unknown if they exist, their existence could answer many questions about how our universe evolved & came to be.
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Size comparison of a hypothetical quasi-star to some of the largest known stars. The Sun is too small to be fitted. (CC0)

Quasi Stars

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
Quasi-Stars are amongst the largest stars ever to of ever existed in the universe, they burned brighter than galaxies & dwarfed any stars that exist today or could ever exist in the future. But the strange part is that they were inhabited by a black hole, slowly devouring it from the inside out.
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2 Things You Didn’t Know About Black Holes

By: David Kreider, Journalist
Have you ever wondered how big a black hole can be? Have you ever thought where is the closest black hole?
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Diagram of a wormhole.

Gamma Ray Blasts May Show That Some Black Holes May Actually be Doorways Through Time

By: Shrey Sharma, Reporter
Are wormholes real? Or are they just a concept? New studies may find the answer.
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This is an image of a black hole. PhotoSource: NASA

The Most Powerful Explosion in the History of the Universe Came From A Single Black Hole

By: Shrey Sharma, Journalist
A single explosion released about 100 billion times the energy that the sun is expected to produce in its lifetime.
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What is a Black Hole?

What is a Black Hole?

In short terms a black hole is formed when a star collapses in on itself. The amount of density the the star creates folds and creates a black hole. If something were to into a black hole then it would...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology