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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



rocket ship photography

Artemis vs. Apollo Program

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
The Artemis and Apollo programs are both space programs meant to send humans to the moon.  In this article I will be comparing and contrasting the Artemis and Apollo program.
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Charting New Frontiers: Humanoid Robot to Join China's Chang’e 8 Mission to the Moon in 2028

Charting New Frontiers: Humanoid Robot to Join China’s Chang’e 8 Mission to the Moon in 2028

By: Esah Sheikh, Journalist
The world is starting its engines for an exciting new era of space exploration. China's upcoming Chang'e 8 mission to the moon caught the attention of many scientists and space enthusiasts. China is using humanoid robots to help in this exploration
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an artist's rendering of a planet in space

Mining the Stars

By: Preston Wichert, Journalist
What is asteroid mining? Asteroid mining is when you travel to deep space then you harvest the valuable materials on the asteroid that are worth lots of money.
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"moon 30-10-2009" by moosejaw00 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Neil Armstrong, Soldier, Engineer, Astronaut

By: Zouli Alexandratos, Journalist
Neil Armstrong landed on the moon on 7/20/69, saying the quote "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". He was the first person to ever step foot on the moon.
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By: Hamidou Tall, Journalist

What is IMAP? IMAP (Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe)  will help solve a major question about space: how cosmic rays are filtered by the heliosphere. These particles may pose a risk to astronauts,...

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cluster of star illustration

Gravity Can Exist Without Mass and Dark Matter Could Be Non-Existent

By: Miles Kowalewski, Journilist
For decades, this explanation has supported the existence of the hypothetical dark matter. However, a new study says that gravity can exist even without mass, potentially getting rid of the need for dark matter altogether. This one-of-a-kind theory “is in turn driven by my frustration with the status quo, namely the notion of dark matter’s existence despite the lack of any direct evidence for a whole century,” Richard Lieu, study author and a distinguished professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Alabama in Huntsville said.
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OpenGL Licenses

Component Location Primary Author License
standard headers gl/ The Khronos Group, MIT, SGI, and
Brian Paul, Apache 2.0
Silicon Graphics

EGL utilities util/ Google Apache 2.0


Copyright The Khronos Group Inc.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and/or associated documentation files

Living Among The Stars

By: Aiden Fanueli, Journalist
Have you ever thought about how astronauts live in space and how their habitat is engineered to support their lives? Currently, the International Space Station has housed astronauts since 2000.
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a couple of blue boats sitting on top of a table

How 3d Printing Could Help Us Settle On The Moon

By: Joe Rojas Perez, Journalist
3D printing can do a lot of things, but recently nasa has said that they could use 3d to help us settle on the moon.
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a space station in the middle of the earth

Satellites: What They Are

By: Shiryu Gibson, Journalist
What are satellites and how can they help us down on earth? Satellites are important to modern life because they can send radio signals back to earth so we can use objects like our phones or TV.
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Photo of Chicxulub Impact

The Chicxulub Impact

By: Josslyn Wellck, Journalist
Over sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid hit just off the coast of what is now the Yucatán Peninsula in Chicxulub, Mexico. The dust spread worldwide, blotting out sunlight and lowering temperatures for years, resulting in mass extinction.
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Colonizing Venus's Atmosphere

Colonizing Venus’s Atmosphere

By: Mercer Tomasino, Journalist
While many are looking to colonize Mars, the possibility of building a civilization on our other neighboring planet has arisen.
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Optical/Laser Communications Help NASA Transmit Data

By: Kawa Gyatso, Journalist
For the longest time, NASA and other space corporations needed a way to send and receive more data faster and better. The LCRD (Laser Communication Radio Device) replicates technological advances and is far more efficient than any data system ever before.
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ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math