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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology





By: Samary Velasquez, Journalist
An architect is .a person who designs buildings and other structures and prepares drawings and instructions on how to build them
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Art In Engineering

Art In Engineering

By: Samary Velasquez, Journalist

The union of engineering and art, two fields often considered opposites, showcases the infinite creativity and precision that define human ingenuity. Engineering is based on scientific principles and functional...

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high-res image that looks similar to something in space

Ai Generated Art

By: Liam Eckerman, Journalist
AI art, which stands for Artificial Intelligence art, is a type of art made with the help of computers and smart algorithms.
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The Secret to Animating Walk Cycles

The Secret to Animating Walk Cycles

By: Eva Huang, Journalist
It doesn’t matter what kind of animator you area - as long as you can animate a living being, you probably know how to animate walk cycles. Walk cycles are used everywhere, from movies to indie games to simple animations.
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silver bowl lot on brown surface

How Thermochromic Pigment Works

By: Emma Ismail, Journalist
Thermochromic materials express alterations in color due to changes in temperature, demonstrating different hues at different thermal states.
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a group of computers

Ai Generated Art: Is it real art?

By: Noah Yazdani, Journalist
Artificial Intelligence(AI) is being incorporated into our everyday life. Many people have been experimenting AI capabilities and what it can due, including artists.
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Image by Midjourney, an AI image generator site. Prompt: Halloween night

The Rise of AI Image Generators

By: Oliver Tabbal, Journalist
AI image generators have come so far in the past year, from a cool concept to making legitimate pieces of artwork.
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Introduction To Digital Art

Introduction To Digital Art

By: Skyla Tran, Journalist
Digital art is technological art, art made digitally, and is all over the internet nowadays. It's being used for so many things like animation, video games, songs, comics, and even jobs in professional industries.
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How we Built a Two Bulb Flashlight

Instead we decided to 3-D print our shell (outer part), because with the two bulb design, a normal flashlight shell wouldn't allow us to fit everything. Finally, we take the wire that is attached to the battery holder (the side that has a bump), and we solder that wire to the other side of the diode that has the resistor attached to it. 
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Live2D Cubism

Live2D Cubism

By: Skyla Tran, Journalist
Live2D Cubism is a program used to rig and animate art, and it's used a lot for animations and games. There are story games that use Live2D to show characters emotions and have them talk.
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12-Year Old NFT Artist Makes $5.6 million

12-Year Old NFT Artist Makes $5.6 million

By: Bryan Rodriguez, Student

Ever wondered what NFT'S are and how much you can make from them? 12-year old artist Nyla Hayes sells her art as an NFT. Nyla has made about $5.6 million from selling her NFT collection. Nyla's Instagram...

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Miles Morales Looking At Radioactive Spider

The Stunning Animation of Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse

By: Caitlin Arnold, Reporter
Sony's Spider-Verse is a groundbreaking film best known for its clashing and comic-like art and animation. This is a beloved story and was a new and challenging project for animators.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology