
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



Ai Generated Art

AI art, which stands for Artificial Intelligence art, is a type of art made with the help of computers and smart algorithms.
Source: Microsoft Designer
high-res image that looks similar to something in space

AI art, which stands for Artificial Intelligence art, is a type of art made with the help of computers and smart algorithms. Instead of humans making art, AI art is created by computers following instructions from humans. Basically, AI art is a picture or artwork made by a computer when someone gives it a prompt or set of instructions. This lets people use technology to explore their creativity and bring their special ideas to life.

Here are some places to get ai generated art:

  • Microsoft Designer

Microsoft Designer is a fantastic and free way to get pictures made by AI. It’s easy to use, and you can type in your ideas to see how AI turns them into cool pictures.

  • DALL-E

DALL-E is another place for AI art, but it costs money to use. Even though you have to pay, many people think it’s worth it because it can make high-quality and different kinds of pictures.

  • Microsoft Co-Creator

Microsoft Co-Creator is an option too, but it might not be the best for AI art lovers. Some people say the pictures it makes might have mistakes, making it not as good as other options.

To get the best pictures with AI art, it’s important to be really clear with your ideas. Instead of asking for something general, try being specific. For example, ask for “a 3D picture of a coffee mug on a windowsill during a stormy day. The storm outside should be reflected in the coffee, with small lightning bolts and wavy waves seen inside the mug. The room should be a bit dark, adding to the dramatic feeling.” Giving these details helps the computer understand and make the picture you want.

One great thing about AI art is that it’s easy for everyone, even if you’re not good at regular art. With AI, you can show your creativity without much effort. However, using AI art might stop people from doing art with their hands. Whether you use free tools like Microsoft Designer or paid services like DALL-E, AI art can be a cool and new way to put your ideas onto paper.

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