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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Tomi Vacca

All content by Tomi Vacca
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Causation vs. Correlation of Violence In Video Games

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
Perhaps its not games making people violent, or perhaps its just that maybe people who are a little more violent will gravitate more to violent video games than others.
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Is NASA A Waste of Money?

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
Is space something that we should explore now? With more pressing issues to deal with on our planet right now, could that money be better used?
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How Some Games Keep You Hooked

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
Have you ever looked back on a gaming experience and wondered why you wasted so much time playing it? This is because the developers of that game had created the illusion of engagement. But how?
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The Future Isn’t What the Future Was.

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
In 1985 the movie Back to the Future was made and captivated the hearts of people all around the world. Four years later in 1989 a sequel was released set in 2015, 6 years prior to when this article was written. The movie painted a very colorful picture of futuristic gadgets and how the lives of people would be 30 years in the future. Lets look back and see how we compare.
Image source: "Fish farm" by Artur Rydzewski is licensed under CC BY 2.0

How Does A Fish Farm Work?

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
More than half of all consumed fish on the planet are farmed all over the world. But how are they farmed?
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Hytale Weekly Screenshot 1/22/21

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
This week the Hytale team released their newest screenshot showing some pretty interesting things. This image bring us one week closer to the full release of Hytale.

The First Hytale Screenshot of 2021

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
On Friday, the 8th of January, the Hytale team posted their first screenshot of 2021 on their twitter.
Aruino project layout.  Image source

Joystick Controlled Motor Elegoo Arduino Uno R3

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist

Making a motor turn on and off is one of the most basic things that is possible with an Elegoo Arduino Uno. So why not make it cooler? This circuit will allow you to control the speed, and direction...

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Hytale Weekly Screenshot disection 11/20/20

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist

On November the 20th the Hytale developers showcased another very interesting screenshot of some of the world generation. This screenshot shows interesting Emerald Grove scenery including, some...

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Hytale Holiday announcement 2020

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist

On December 18th 2020 we got another reveal from the Hytale team. This reveal included a brand new screenshot depicting Propzie (Hytale technical artist) running to give Buddhacat (Hytale social media...

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The Newest Message From the Hytale Team

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist

This week the Hytale team finally gave us their first blogpost in a little over four months. The post gave very few verbal reveals to any new mechanics or content but it did give us a deeper insight...

Hytale Weekly Screenshot Disection-11/27/20

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
This week the Hytale developers showcased another screenshot that is one of our first looks at the mining mechanics of Hytale.
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The End of an Era (Adobe Flash Player)

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist

If you've ever played any sort of browser based game, you've no doubt heard of Adobe Flash Player. Flash is a software platform meant for a wide variety of browser based creations originally released...

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Terraria Journey’s End Summary

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist

Terraria is an action adventure sandbox game that was developed by Re-Logic in 2011. Earlier this year Re-Logic released the last update to their extremely successful title. The update added...

Why Some Gaming Systems Are Better Than Others

By: Tomi Vacca, Reporter

There are currently three gaming systems that the average gamer might use. Those are: PC, Xbox/Playstation, and mobile. Each of those systems have different pros and cons but PC is the best platform....

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The Power of Cloudflare

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist

You may have seen something "checking your browser" when going onto one of your favorite websites. This was Cloudflare at work. So what is Cloudflare, well to be simple Cloudflare is DDoS (Distributed...

Image source: "Fuji Apples" by Farmanac is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The Engineering Behind a Good Apple

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist

Whether you're on the go or sitting on the couch watching TV, the apple can be a great snack or a flavoring for a variety of different dishes. But how is a good apple made? Well the most common apple...

Artist's depiction of the JAXA satellite.Image Citation:

Japanese Rover Will Bring Back Rocks From Mars.

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
Japan will be launching the first ever mars sample return mission in 2024. The mission will return in 2030 and humanity will know what mars is made of.

Invisibility Lens

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
The 'Rochester Lens' is a multi-directional invisibility device. Simply put, a set of lenses that make whatever is behind them appear invisible.
Drone farming.  Photo Source:

Drone Agriculture

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
Drones are taking the agriculture industry by force. drones soon will be the new shovel and hoe.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Tomi Vacca