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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Stephanie Terceros
Introducing The New Ampl Smart Backpack

Introducing The New Ampl Smart Backpack

Have you ever had struggles with being able to charge your electronic devices such as your phone, your tablet, and or your laptop, but you just weren't able to charge all of your devices at the same...

The Progression Of Working The Solar Panel Charger #solarcharger4life

The Progression Of Working The Solar Panel Charger #solarcharger4life

Welcome! Our group is currently in the progression of developing our DIY USB Solar Panel Charger, and the results are bringing more success! In order to have a guide to help us put together this solar...

A Diagram To An Introduction To The DIY USB Solar Charger

A Diagram To An Introduction To The DIY USB Solar Charger

Welcome to an introduction to our DIY USB Solar Charger! We have received our materials and packages and are going to start constructing our DIY solar charger that works for any type of phone. Before we...

How To Construct And Design A Vertical Gardening Pipe

How To Construct And Design A Vertical Gardening Pipe

How can an individual's plants and flowers be organized into a specific object without having to take up a large amount of space within an apartment, a house, or in a garden? The vertical gardening pipe...

The Standing Design Desk Challenge

The Standing Design Desk Challenge

deHave you ever wondered what it would be like to have standing desks at school? It would definitely feel more comfortable as well as help us students feel more active in school, right? The main obstacle...

Netherlands To Build The First Solar Farm That Will Float In The Ocean

Netherlands To Build The First Solar Farm That Will Float In The Ocean

In the Netherlands, there is a major problem. There is no space in the country for them to build and construct a large solar farm. The land that is to be purchased in the low countries is at a premium...

The Function Of Fitness Trackers

The Function Of Fitness Trackers

At the general and most common level, all of the fitness trackers do indeed rely on an accelerator, they are responsible for measuring acceleration, and is also used to measure direction as well as intensity....

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Stephanie Terceros