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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Lawrence Molinaro
Remote Control Trash Can Day 13: End Project

Remote Control Trash Can Day 13: End Project

We have finally finished our engineering project. We added the motors, and the trash can moves. We added a battery to the trash can and the remote. The trash can is complete, and we are glad that it worked. We...

Remote Control Trash Can Day 12: Nearing the End

Remote Control Trash Can Day 12: Nearing the End

We are nearing the end of completion of our project. We have yet to attach the motors, but after that we will need to find a battery and test it out to see if we have finished. So far we have added a frame...

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The Great Wall of China One of China's most famous landmarks is the Great Wall of China. Built in around 220 BC, it was ordered by Qin Shi Huang to connect many walls into one long...

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The Space Needle The Space Needle is located in Seattle, and stands 605 feet in height. It was built for the worlds fair in Seattle, and opened in 1962. There is a restaurant...

Remote Control Trash Can Day 7: Starting to Build

Remote Control Trash Can Day 7: Starting to Build

Our parts for our project finally arrived, we have made a few changes to our design plan. Instead of using the wheels we have ordered, we will be taking the base off of an already built robot, and using...

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The Pantheon   The Pantheon was completed in 125 CE, it was dedicated to Marcus Agrippa. It stands on a 1.3 meter tall base, originally extending 7 meters...

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The Colosseum The Colosseum was built in Rome for the entertainment of the Roman citizens and emperors. The building was four stories...

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Remote Control Trash Day 6: Changes to purchase order

One of the items on our purchase order is not available to be purchased at the moment, so we need to order a different one. The item that is unavailable is the joystick that we ordered. We originally ordered...

The trash can we will use

Remote Control Trash Can Day 5: What is the point?

Some people may ask what the point of our project is. The reason we decided on this project, is because the idea of creating a device that could solve some of our problems intrigued us. Our intention was...

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The Empire State Building The Empire State Building, built in New York in the 1930s, used to be the tallest building in the world, at least until 1967, when the World Trade Center...

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Tesla Autopilot Car Crash A car designed by Tesla crashed against a concrete highway lane divider, the driver died in the hospital a little while later. Tesla says that the driver...

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The Eiffel Tower One of Paris' greatest attractions, the Eiffel Tower, was the tallest building in the world for many years after it was built. The tower itself was built...

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Zipline Drone Delivering Blood in Rwanda The Company Zipline has created what is known as the fastest delivery drone in the world. It can reach up to 80 MPH and fly 100 miles at a time, it can also...

The iPhone X Plus

The iPhone X Plus

A new phone is being developed by Apple; the iPhone X Plus. The iPhone X Plus will have a 6.5 inch screen and will be about the size of the iPhone 8, but with more screen taking up the front. It is likely...

The Ehang 184

By: Lawrence Molinaro, journalist
Drone technology has continued to get better and better over the past few years, but now we are able to fly people around with only the press of a button. The Chinese company Ehang has created a new kind of drone.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Lawrence Molinaro