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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Indoor Air Pollution is a Consequence of Using Scented Products

Indoor Air Pollution is a Consequence of Using Scented Products

By: Sunny Daddio, Journalist
While candles and wax melts may be nice, a new issue has revealed itself: indoor air pollution. An investigation from Purdue University found that when scented products are heated, tiny particles are released, creating as much contamination as a car engine.
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How Sound Pollution Affects Whales

By: Rory Bierhanzl, Jounalist
Underwater noise Pollution can affect almost all marine life, causing stress, permanent hearing loss, or even some species resorting to leaving the area entirely, causing unnatural migration patterns that disrupt ecosystems. Noise pollution can not only disrupt a whale's lifestyle and living practices, but sound pollution can also hurt and cripple whales, due to their sensitivity to noise.
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Engineering Solution to Combat Pollution

Engineering Solution to Combat Pollution

By: Kimberly Rivera, Journalist
Engineers are essential in the fight against pollution, not only by developing cleaner technologies but by transforming the way industries operate.
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Urbanization Has Many Major Problems

Urbanization Has Many Major Problems

By: Hamidou Tall, Journalist
Urbanization is when a population mostly shifts to an urban area. In this article you will learn about the problems that urbanization really has.
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Revolutionary Air-Ink Device

Revolutionary Air-Ink Device

By: Andrew Maines, Journalist
Introducing a product called air-ink. This revolutionary device, created by Graviky labs, condenses air pollution into ink, which is great for the environment.
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blue plastic bottle on brown dried leaves

The Truth About Recycling

By: Megna Manesh, Journalist
When we recycle a plastic water bottle, the common belief is that it will soon be sent to facility with an assortment of other "recyclable items," where it will be made into another item and the cycle will start again. Most people feel good about this, thinking that they are playing a role in preventing the worsening of global warming, but what if they're mistaken?
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school of fish in water

How Water Gets Polluted

By: Audrey Leonen, Journalist
Water pollution is a big problem that affects our planet's ecosystems and the health of millions of people. When contaminants enter our waterways, they can cause serious harm to aquatic life, plants, and humans.
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Printers That Don’t Need Ink

By: Dahlia Kassim, Journalist
Over a billion ink cartridges are sold each year globally, ink is extremely harmful to the environment because of the greenhouse gases it takes to produce them. What if there was an environmentally friendly solution?
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"Chirk Castle - no noise sign" by muffinn is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Noise Pollution

By: Evan Nanthavong, Journalist

As humans are going throughout their day they probably hear hundreds of different noises. Nowadays, we have machinery and devices that produce a large amount of sound. Have you ever wondered what harmful...

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"Be Positive. It's not too late." by Boyce Duprey is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Polluting Ocean Effects

By: Andrea Lizama, Journalist
We can do somethings to help.
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"Trashed Earth" by gideon_wright is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Throwing Trash into Space?

By: Evan Nanthavong, Reporter
While launching our trash into space could be extremely beneficial to us, there are 2 main problems.
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Water Cleaning Drones

Water Cleaning Drones Fourteen billion pounds of trash is dumped into the ocean each year—90 percent of which is plastic. That percentage has been increasing at a rate of about 10 percent...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology