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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



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The Best 1000 Dollar Gaming PC Build

By: Preston Wichert, Journalist
What is the best 1000 dollar gaming PC that you can build? To start we are going to need a processor.
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black and white box fan

The RTX 4090: NVIDIA’s Latest GPU

By: Christian Jeon, Journalist
The RTX 4090 is the newest graphics processing unit (GPU) developed by Nvidia.
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Black and Gray Computer Motherboard

How Computer RAM Works

By: Desmond Kraft, Journalist
In this article, I will cover what RAM is and which one you should buy for your computer.
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This is how your PC might look when finished

How To Build A PC

By: Desmond Kraft, Journalist
With COVID wreaking havoc on the world, many gamers are building high-end PCs  to play games. If you are one of these people, you have come to the right place.
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Acer Chromebook 11

Which is better PC or Laptop?

By: Ali Iskandar, Journalist
For performance we will start with the PC. The PC you can switch the parts out for new ones that come out so if you had enuf money you could theoretically have the best pc all the time and because of the ventilation the parts wont get harmed as much. For the laptop you can't switch  out parts if you want a better laptop you have to buy a whole new one and because of the restricted ventilation the parts will harm the components which will make to run slower. So the PC wins for preference. 
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"nVidia G71 GPU" by Diego3336 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Which is the Better GPU? – Nvidia GeForce vs. AMD Radeon

By: Nate D’mello, Journalist

It has never been this close before. Nvidia and AMDs latest GPUs are very close in terms of performance. So which should you choose? There are three main selling points here: Price, Performance, and...

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Radeon RX 6700 XT

By: Dylan Le, Journalist
PC gaming was basic, and never felt enjoyable. Now this PC part has just changed PC lovers taste, I welcome you the Radeon RX 6700 XT, PC gaming will finally be overkill.
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"Homemade Gaming Computer" by Garett Watson is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Which is better for Gaming? Prebuilt or Custom PC.

By: Kamren Fuard, Reporter

There are pros and cons for both prebuilt and custom pcs. One pro for buying a prebuilt is that it is convenient. You don't have to be super tech savvy or spend hours trying to build a pc. Also, prebuilts...

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"Sea of Thieves / The Sun Rises" by Stefans02 is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Sea of Thieves: The Best Underrated Game

By: Noah Craner, Reporter

Even though Sea of Thieves has over 15 million players worldwide, including PC and Xbox players, not many people actually know about it or talk about it. Sea of Thieves is an open world adventure game...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology