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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



lizard skeleton

The Mesozoic, Or The “Age of Dinosaurs”

By: Olivia Quinn, Journalist
What did the Mesozoic look like? What were the coolest animals? How did the Dinosaurs go extinct?
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short-haired black cat besides brown wooden table

Ancient Mammals Grew Dark Fur to Avoid Being Eaten By Dinosaurs

By: Aidan Pham, Journalist
Prehistoric mammals used dark fur to survive the age of dinosaurs. These mammals blended into the shadows to avoid being eaten by dinosaurs at night using their monochrome coats as camouflage.
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Dinosaur Extinction Started Fruit Evolution

Dinosaur Extinction Started Fruit Evolution

By: Prisha Polra, Journalist
Dinosaurs going extinct left a power vacuum that allowed plants to evolve and let flowering plants become fruits. Those fruits were crucial to human survival and allowed humans to survive and thrive.
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dinosaur skull artifact

Giant Dinosaur Fossil Found In China

By: Peyton Farahi, Journalist
Chinese researchers found a brand-new dinosaur fossil that's totally different from anything they've ever found before! It's from super, super long ago in the Early Jurassic era
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China Discovers 33 Foot Dinosaur Fossil

China Discovers 33 Foot Dinosaur Fossil

By: Jordan Jeon, Journalist
In 2015, China found a giant 33 foot fossil in the Formation of Yunnan Province, China.  The new species has been named Xingxiulong yueorum, and experts think it was an early Jurassic sauropod dinosaur.
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Photo of Chicxulub Impact

The Chicxulub Impact

By: Josslyn Wellck, Journalist
Over sixty-six million years ago, an asteroid hit just off the coast of what is now the Yucatán Peninsula in Chicxulub, Mexico. The dust spread worldwide, blotting out sunlight and lowering temperatures for years, resulting in mass extinction.
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The Giganotosaurus

The Giganotosaurus

By: Jayanth Yelamanchili, Journalist
The Giganotosaurus was the biggest theropod to ever exist. Proof shows that the Giganotosaurus ate the biggest dinosaur of all time.
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Action figure fan? This Jurassic warrior in armor will surely surprise you.

By: Anthony Rodriguez, Journalist

Let's go back to the late Cretaceous period, approximately 68 to 66 million years ago, when this armored reptile walked this earth. Ankylosaurs were quadrupedal herbivores, their bodies covered in a...

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"Baby Dinosaurs" by currybet is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.

Is it possible to clone a Dinosaur?

By: Brian Trong-Khanh Nguyen, Journalist
Ever wondered what was the process of cloning a dinosaur? Or maybe why we can't clone it? This article is here to answer some of your questions!
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"'Sue' at Field Museum, Chicago" by mookiefl is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Can We Bring Back the Dinosaurs?

By: Isabel D’mello, Journalist
The Dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago by a meteorite. The question remains: can we get them back?
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"Dinosaur" by shvmoz is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The Day The Dinosaurs Died

By: Elvis Pham, Journalist
Once it makes contact into the shallow ocean and the bedrock below, the energy with the strength of billions of nuclear weapons will be released all at once as the asteroid vaporizes, then a giant bright white sphere would grow over the Gulf of Mexico. The thermal radiation from the explosion would travel at the speed of light which would burn everything within a radius of about 1500 kilometers in a second.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology