
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



The Giganotosaurus

The Largest Theropod

The Giganotosaurus was the biggest theropod to ever exist. It was much bigger and longer than the T-Rex but it was slimmer. It is known for its very fragmental remains. The Giganotosaurus lived a few ten million years before the T-Rex and was found in South America, not North America. It is estimated to have roamed the Earth about ninety-six to ninety-seven million years ago.

The Giganotosaurus was found by an amateur paleontologist which was a huge surprise. It was found while this Argentine paleontologist was riding in a Dune Buggy and saw a Tibia of a fossil. He then got people to excavate it. A Giganotosaurus  complete fossil still has never been found. It took many years to find an estimated weight that was agreed on by well respected scientists.

The Giganotosaurus was very fast for its colossal size.  It could run at up to 31 miles per hours when it could be an upwards of 17,000 pounds. The Giganotosaurus had a very strong sense of smell and decent eyesight. The Giganotosaurus would wait for its target to bleed out after biting it.

The Giganotosaurus being one of the biggest dinosaurs of all time means it hunted big pray. There is minimal, but some proof shows that the Giganotosaurus ate the biggest dinosaur of all time, the 50 ton behemoth, the Argentinosaurus.

This Giganotosaurus had stopped the trend of a new theropods having smaller arms. It still had pretty small arms though. This monster had 3 fingers and a longer arm then the t-rex (which had 2 fingers).

In 2012, scientists realized that it was not getting as much recognition so they tried to get it more recognition. (Which did not work very well.)  In 2022, a movie in the Jurassic World Franchise called “Dominion” came out. One of the main dinosaurs was the Giganotosaurus and people were shocked on how such a massive dinosaur was so little known. This made the Giganotosaurus get some well deserved recognition.


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