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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



How Is A Robot Made

How Is A Robot Made

By: Andy, Jornalist
Robots are a human made versions of a animal life they are machines that try to act the same as humans but just a lot more smarter than humans. Robots are a new thing we didn't have any resources to build a robot back then but people have gotten a lot more smarter.
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Worlds First Quantum Computer Solves Faster Then Super Computer

Worlds First Quantum Computer Solves Faster Then Super Computer

By: Henry Dominguez, Journalist
Quantum computers are much faster than regular supercomputers because they can solve complex problems in minutes instead of thousands of years. They do this by using special particles called qubits that can process many solutions at once, making them more powerful than traditional machines.
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2025 Is the Year of the Coder

By: Noor Ouertatni, Journalist
Human coders are needed to find bugs, and errors in computer code, and humans can do this task better than AI most of the time. The world will always need more coders, and 2025 is a great year to learn how.
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white and black game controller on macbook pro

What Goes Into Creating A Video Game

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
Video games are a popular pastime for many people. While most of us have played them, have you ever wondered what goes into creating a video game?
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MacBook Pro

How To Use the GameMaker Studio 2

By: Anas Abukar, Journalist
GameMaker is a free 2D game developing software, it was used by many indie game developers to create popular games like: Hotline Miami, Deltarune, and Terraria.
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Arduino GPS-Tracker

Arduino GPS-Tracker

The ability to track others and items grants user the sense of security, because they are able to locate their lost belongings. The GPS-Tracker can also reduce theft and help users recover stolen goods.
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A printed circuit board with four Xilinx FPGAs Virtex-E XCV400E-PQ240.

What is an FPGA?

By: Tyler Cline, Journalist
An FPGA is an integrated circuit made out of a semiconductor, where the user can reconfigure the logic multiple times after manufacturing to meet their requirements. This property makes them very different from application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) because ASICs can only do the specific task they were designed for.
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flat screen computer monitor displaying white and black screen

Hacking: What It Really Is

By: Christian Jeon, Journalist
Hacking, in the simplest terms, is the process of finding vulnerabilities in a system and exploiting them. Let's break down this process to understand how hacking works.
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lines of HTML codes

JavaScript: The Most Widely Used Programming Language

By: Jiaxiang Xie, Journalist
Out of all the programming languages you've heard of, Python is probably the first one to come to mind. This is because Python is one of the world's most popular programming languages. But the #1 most used programming language is the most hidden. Under each and every website, most games and web servers, lie the programming language that runs it all: Javascript.
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Shows a picture of a computer with code on it. The letters are different colors.

An Intro to Python

By: Liam Eckerman, Journalist
Python is an advanced coding language with more capabilities than other languages like Javascript, or HTML. Usually, it is best to start with lower level coding languages, so I would advise you, unless you have learned another coding language in the past, to go to, and do their lessons on HTML, CSS, and Javascript before you read this article.
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Biomimicricy Allows Robots to Be Morphed

Biomimicricy Allows Robots to Be Morphed

By: Brandon Sang-Zheng, Journalist
In a leap forward for robotics technology, Colorado State University (CSU) researchers have unveiled a trio of morphing robots that can alter their bodies and legs, taking inspiration from nature's adaptability.
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woman in black leather jacket wearing black sunglasses

What Augmented Reality Will Look Like

By: Christian Jeon, Journalist
Augmented reality has the potential to change the way we interact with the world around us.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology