
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



JavaScript: The Most Widely Used Programming Language

Out of all the programming languages you’ve heard of, Python is probably the first one to come to mind. This is because Python is one of the world’s most popular programming languages, but the #1 most used programming language is the most hidden. Under each and every website, most games and web servers, lie the programming language that runs it all: Javascript.

Of all the programming languages you’ve heard of, Python is probably the first to come to mind. This is because Python is one of the world’s most popular programming languages. But the #1 most used programming language is the most hidden. Under each and every website, most games, and web servers lie the programming language that runs it all: Javascript.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is an internal programming language that allows you to add complex web pages, servers, and game features. If a website allows you to do more than look at the website’s text, it most likely has JavaScript in the background. JavaScript is embedded inside popular browsers like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. JavaScript is similar to Python. JavaScript and Python are both high-level, interpreted, and dynamically (changing) typed programming languages. While JavaScript is prominent in web development, providing interactive website content, Python is used in various places such as web development, data science, machine learning, and automation. Both languages have similarities in syntax, including loops, if statements, functions, and data structures, despite their distinct styles. Additionally, both languages have a diverse ecosystem of libraries, add-ons, and frameworks that contribute to their ease of use.

What can JavaScript do?

One of JavaScript’s most significant functions is adding dynamicity and change to web pages. This varies from displaying animations to making clickable links to creating dropdown menus. While you can use only HTML and CSS code to build a website, it will only have a static, non-moving, or changing display. With JavaScript, a user can interact with web pages and have a better browsing experience. Javascript covers most, if not all, of websites on the internet. Every time a website refreshes, changes, plays music or does anything, JavaScript’s got you covered. It allows you to do more complex tasks, running games, web applications, animations, and even simple tasks like setting what a click that was clicked somewhere on the screen does. How did you get onto this article? By JavaScript. Your mouse clicked on a clickable link, my article, and it went through the HTML and CSS of the web page to JavaScript. JavaScript reads what its code says to do and then redirects your computer to my article.

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