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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Rotary Engine

Rotary Engine

By: Dareck Vargas, Journalist
A super star of engines
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Smart Cities

Smart Cities

By: Pranav Sharma, Journalist
As urban populations grow, engineering is playing a key role in transforming cities into smart, sustainable hubs. Smart cities use technology, data, and innovative infrastructure to improve energy efficiency, transportation, and public services.
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A person holding a cell phone in their hand

Deepseek AI

By: Andres Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
Deepseek is an AI that has challenged the common norms and is pushing the boundries of what was previously thought possible. This has raised questions in the stock market of the current giants in AI.
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"Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence" by mikemacmarketing is licensed under CC BY 2.0

AI Can Be Wrong Once in a While

By: Stephanie Sorto, Journalist

Data Bias Data bias is a way AI can be wrong because it affects the accuracy and fairness of the AI's decisions. If the training data is biased, the AI will learn those biases and replicate them in...

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Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering

By: Samary Velasquez, journalist
They create and leverage powerful software and technologies to analyze and improve how organizations design, build...
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The Flipper Zero. From, under "fair use"

How The Flipper Zero Has Revolutionized Hacking

By: Zablon Worede, Journalist
The Flipper Zero is gaining attention in the world of cyber security with its functionality and putting many hacking devices into one portable easy-to-use device.
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MacBook Pro turned on

Large Language Models

By: Gadea Martinez Aparicio, Journalist
How did AI advance so far so fast, and become the powerful computing network that it is now? In reality, ChatGPT is just a large exercise in statistics, and though it can't understand words, it can understand numbers.
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man in black and gray suit action figure

Why Humanoid Robots are NOT the Future

By: Jiaxiang Xie, Journalist
As robots are getting progressively more and more advanced, it's not long before we are advanced enough to build humanoid robots, as Elon Musk and Boston Dynamics have already been working on their humanoid robots for years.
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white robot action toy

Different Types Of Artificial Intelligence

By: Jiaxiang Xie, Journalist
When you think about Artificial Intelligence, Chat-GPT or Alexa probably comes to mind, but AI can be much more than that. From simple if-else AIs, to AI's that can understand emotions, there's not just one singular type of AI that classifies them all. There are four different types of AI, and all four will be covered in this article. 
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Artificial Intelligence: In Depth

Artificial Intelligence: In Depth

By: Kate Li, Journalist
Take a brief trip through the amazing world of artificial intelligence! Believe it or not, AI is a part of all our lives.
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"Artificial Intelligence & AI & Machine Learning" by mikemacmarketing is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The reality of AI gaining consciousness risks and benefits

By: Rachel Cao, Journalist
In the largest survey of researchers recorded 70% of researchers believed in taking immediate action. So the real question is: is putting the entire human race at jeopardy a risk your willing to take?
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teal LED panel

Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

By: Christian Jeon, Journalist
In the rapidly evolving world of technology, artificial intelligence has emerged as a game-changing force, and no area is this more evident than in the realm of cybersecurity.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
#Artificial Intelligence