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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Sydney Kiffney

Australian Researchers Are Developing A Blood Test To Detect Sleepy Drivers

By: Sydney Kiffney, Journalist
A team of researchers led by the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health at Monash University identified five biomarkers in the blood that can see if an individual has been awake for 24 hours. If this study goes well, vehicle crashes could dramatically decrease.
Photo by Anthony : ):

The Worlds First Flying Electric Racecar Could Be Heading To The Olympics

By: Sydney Kiffney, Journalist
This new flying electric racecar is the future or transportation. It could even be in the 2032 Olympics.

You Can Repair The New Nokia Phone By Yourself

By: Sydney Kiffney, Journalist
Will all phone companies be doing this in the future? Nokia is a trailblazer for cellphone companies.

San Francisco May Soon Deploy Robots That Can Kill

By: Sydney Kiffney, Journalist
The San Fransisco Police Department has voted to create robots that can kill people. Citizens nationwide are very concerned about this new idea.

The US Military May Be Closer Than You Think To Creating Jet Packs

By: Sydney Kiffney, Journalist
The military is closer then ever to making jet packs. The goal for this new invention was to help soldiers' versatility in the air without their life being jeopardized.
"Tesla Chairman Elon Musk" by kqedquest is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

A Tesla Malfunctions and crashes on a Chinese Street

By: Sydney Kiffney, Journalist
Fatal Car Accident After Tesla malfunctions in China.
"Engineers discussing freeway plans, 1959" by Seattle Municipal Archives is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

How To Be A Successful Engineer

By: Sydney Kiffney, Journalist
How I define an engineer and how to be succesful.

Glow In The Dark Road Lines

By: Sydney Kiffney, Journalist
Australia is experimenting with glowing road lines. It is meant to prevent car crashes.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Sydney Kiffney