How To Be A Successful Engineer

How to be a great engineer.

Engineers discussing freeway plans, 1959 by Seattle Municipal Archives is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

“Engineers discussing freeway plans, 1959” by Seattle Municipal Archives is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

By: Sydney Kiffney, Journalist

            I think something that makes someone a successful engineer is that they reach all of their goals in whatever they want to be successful in. Eg: If someone is trying to build a robot, it’s a goal to make the robot move its arms by the end of the week, however they complete that and make the robot’s legs walk. I would consider them successful because they exceeded their goal and surpassed what they thought they could do. This is important, because if you set a high standard for yourself and you work hard to complete that goal you can become successful very quickly.

            I know it’s easier said than done, but you don’t always have to fulfill these targets on the first try. Life is not just a consistent diagonal  line going up, there will be ups and downs in your day, your week, and even years. The thing that shows your character is not how many ups you have in your life, but how you bounce back from the downs stronger than before.  Trying again after you fail at something demonstrates persistence and determination that are very helpful traits to possess in order to be considered “Successful”.

             In conclusion, I think that there are many ways to define if something or someone is successful or not, but my interpretation of the word “successful” is someone or something that exceeds the goals they set for themselves and keeps persisting when they don’t hit those goals.