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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Namish Gupta

Living Off the Grid With a Tesla….Semi-Truck

By: Namish Gupta, Journalist
By now, everyone has heard of the Tesla event that happened about a week ago, focusing on a concept introduced by Tesla a couple years ago: The Tesla Semi Truck.

Up Up and Away! … On a Motorcycle???

By: Namish Gupta, Journalist
A motorcycle that can fly.

A Robot That Actually Transforms

By: Namish Gupta, Journalist
As time progresses, technology becomes more advanced, and now it has reached one of the most classic shows of all time: Transformers.

Bringing the Virtual World Into the Real One

By: Namish Gupta, Journalist

People have always envisioned a future where technology can enhance what they perceive and experience in the world around them. In movies like Iron Man or Black Panther, we often see different versions...

The Future of (Ethical) Hacking: The Flipper Zero

By: Namish Gupta, Journalist

Technology has evolved to the point where almost everything about our lives is stored virtually. However, this brings a new breed of people who want to improve, and destroy these advancements. Hacking...

Nanobots: Our Tiny Saviors

Nanobots: Our Tiny Saviors

By: Namish Gupta, Journalist

Nanobots are exactly what they sound like. They are tiny, miniscule robots capable of storing and applying medicinal content to the human body, among other things. Currently, the average nanobot is about...

Flying to the Future…

By: Namish Gupta, Journalist
Ever since the movie, Back to The Future 2, was released, people have been dreaming of  hoverboards being in real life. Sadly, back then it was impossible for a concept like that to even exist in reality. Today however, is a different story.
Quantum Computers

Quantum Computers

By: Namish Gupta, Journalist

A quantum computer is a computer which makes use of the quantum states of subatomic particles to store information. In other words, a quantum computer uses quantum mechanics to calculate and store information....

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Namish Gupta