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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Adrian Banihashemi
Aquaponics Beta Test

Aquaponics Beta Test

A summery of what we have learned about our small scale aquaponics system and our plans for the 2022-2023 school year.

What Elon Musk is Planning on Changing About Twitter

By: Adrian Banihashemi, Journalist
Recently, Elon Musk bought twitter and said that he would make the company private. He also said 5 more things that he planned on changing about the company.

Tesla Cybertruck Features

By: Adrian Banihashemi, Journalist
The Tesla Cybertruck's tri-motor allows the car to go from 0-60mph in about 2.9 seconds. This number also comes from the 800 horsepower this car has.

The Tesla Model S Plaid is a Big Upgrade from the Original Model S

By: Adrian Banihashemi, Journalist
This new car is the fastest production car as it sets record in the Maryland International Raceway.

Fifa 21 vs. Fifa 22

By: Adrian Banihashemi, Journalist

Fifa is a soccer video game in which people control real life players to win games. Each year, they release a new version. There are several improvements in the newest version, Fifa 22, over the prior,...

The Boring Company

By: Adrian Banihashemi, Journalist
The Boring Company digs tunnels underground. These tunnels can do many things such as act as a no traffic highways for cars.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Adrian Banihashemi