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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology




aerial photography of body of water

The History of Electric Dams

By: Preston Wichert, Journalist
Electric dams are super cool because they turn moving water into energy we can use. It all started back in 1882 with the first hydroelectric plant in Wisconsin.
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Ocean Currents That Can Generate 2.5 Times More Power Than Wind Farms Identified

Ocean Currents That Can Generate 2.5 Times More Power Than Wind Farms Identified

By: Eli Alexander, Journalist
After going through an ocean date for about three decades, we finally can harvest energy from the ocean 2.5 time more efficient then wind power
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Worlds Most Powerful Under Water Turbine

Worlds Most Powerful Under Water Turbine

By: Maxwell McCall, Journalist
Underwater turbines that are also named marine turbines are a technology for renewable energy. The movement of water turns blades that make energy and can be an ideal prototype for energy production.
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HY-5 Unveiled: The Game-Changer in Portable Hydrogen Production

HY-5 Unveiled: The Game-Changer in Portable Hydrogen Production

By: Esah Sheikh, Journalist
The Hy-5, the world's first portable hydrogen cracker, has been introduced and is a game-changer for clean energy production. This new innovation is capable of producing 1,100 pounds of hydrogen fuel daily.
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Pros and Cons of Hydroelectric Energy

Pros and Cons of Hydroelectric Energy

By: Laith Kassim, Journalist
Hydroelectric plants work by falling water turning turbines, which produced mechanical energy, and the generator then convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy, which can then be stored and supplied to the public. Hydroelectric energy is used all around the world, and is the most used form of renewable energy. While hydroelectricity has its pros, like being a clean source of energy, there are also negative sides to look at.
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The Engineering Behind Dams and Their Impact on the Future

The Engineering Behind Dams and Their Impact on the Future

By: Esah Sheikh, Journalist
Dams, the marvels of engineering, serve many usages and impact the human world. This colossal structure is a vital infrastructure for water storage, hydroelectric power generation, and flood control. As engineering and technology continues to evolve, the role that dams play shape the future as it becomes increasingly significant.
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white and black typewriter on green grass during daytime

MIT’s New Battery-Free Solar Desalination System Dances With Sun’s Rhythm

By: Taylor Kong, Journalist
The new battery makes sea water into fresh drinking water.
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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

By: Benjamin Plowgian, Journalist
Ocean Thermal Conversion Technology (OTEC), is a renewable power source as old as electricity. It is a baseload source, meaning that there are no fluctuations, so it is a reliable source of energy unlike other renewable sources.
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white electic windmill

The Promise of Sustainable Energy

By: Christian Jeon, Journalist
As the world continues to grapple with the effects of climate change, the need for sustainable energy solutions has never been greater.
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brown and white concrete building near body of water during daytime

The Hoover Dam: an engineering masterpiece

By: Ebenezer Gudissa, Journalist
The Hoover Dam was the highest dam in the world when it was completed in 1935. Its base is as thick as two football fields are long. Each spillway, designed to let floodwaters pass without harming the dam itself, can handle the volume of water that flows over Niagara Falls
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Smart Sprinkler Controller

Smart Sprinkler Controller

By: Nathan Brown, Journalist
The smart sprinkler controller first came out in the early 1960s to control large-radius lawn sprinklers, and over the years, this product has been updated and improved.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology