Smart Sprinkler Controller

Reasons to get a smart sprinkler controller

By: Nathan Brown, Journalist

 The smart sprinkler controller first came out in the early 1960s to control large-radius lawn sprinklers, and over the years, this product has been updated and improved. One of the latest is the smart sprinkler controller is similar to a smart thermostat for your lawn. It controls the watering schedule automatically and adjusts the irrigation system to the weather conditions. This helps to maintain a healthy property and reduces water usage.

This product can be found online and in stores like Home Depot, Lowes, and other gardening stores. The price of this product ranges from $100 to $280. According to the website “Bobvila,” these are the top-rated smart sprinklers. Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller is the top rated, then there is the Netro Smart Sprinkler Controller at a 2nd top-rated, and the 3rd highest rated smart sprinkler is Orbit 21004 B-have Smart Sprinkler Controller.

There are many different reasons why someone should get a smart sprinkler. Some of these reasons are that this product not only saves you time and takes care of your irrigation system without you moving a finger, but it also can reduce water use, resulting in money savings because your water bill will also go down.



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