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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



two men wearing blue lab coats

Study Reveals Friday Surgeries Linked To 12% Higher Death Risk Than Early Week Operations

By: Alyson Romero, Journalist
A recent study has revealed surgeries performed on Fridays carry a 12% high risk of death compared to the surgeries done earlier in the week. This finding has prompted healthcare professionals to rethink their timing of surgical procedures.
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Indoor Air Pollution is a Consequence of Using Scented Products

Indoor Air Pollution is a Consequence of Using Scented Products

By: Sunny Daddio, Journalist
While candles and wax melts may be nice, a new issue has revealed itself: indoor air pollution. An investigation from Purdue University found that when scented products are heated, tiny particles are released, creating as much contamination as a car engine.
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gull flying above body of water

Bird Safe Glass

By: Kaden Brock, Journalist
Nearly 1 billion birds die in the U.S. every year, stripes or dots are placed at most 2 inches apart are the best way of warning birds. Agustin Sanchez made a hotel with vertical white stripes 2 inches apart to reduce bird deaths, he then reported that he had zero bird deaths after implementing them.
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Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering

By: Samary Velasquez, journalist
Chemical engineering involves creating products from raw materials using chemical reactions.
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a man working on a computer

Telesurgery’s Protection of Surgeons

By: Clara Steffens, Journalist
Surgery is hard, and surgeons make lots of mistakes. What if there was a way we could prevent mistakes in surgical procedures?
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The Importance of Shear Walls

The Importance of Shear Walls

By: Esah Sheikh, Journalist
The future of construction is changing, and as more projects are built new designs come. Shear walls are efficient designs to have a secure foundation and to prevent casualties like wind and earthquakes to knock down buildings.
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green and yellow boat on river during daytime

The Impact of Poverty on the U.S.

By: Kairui Zhao, Journalist
Poverty has a big impact on the United States in many ways. It affects society in different ways and keeps disadvantages going.
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caution avalanche danger signage during winter

New Advancements in Avalanche Prevention Technology in Colorado

By: Will Cicale, Journalist

On December 10th, the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) had announced and confirmed the installation and successful testing of their new avalanche mitigation equipment. It was installed on Red...

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person walking near body of water

Why Is Iceland The Safest Country In The World?

By: Zymaia Mendes, Journalist
When it comes to safety, Iceland is the country that comes to mind. Iceland consistently ranks as one of the safest nations on the planet. From low crime rates to a strong social safety net Iceland has been outstanding in protecting its civilians.
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Australian Researchers Are Developing A Blood Test To Detect Sleepy Drivers

Australian Researchers Are Developing A Blood Test To Detect Sleepy Drivers

By: Sydney Kiffney, Journalist
A team of researchers led by the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health at Monash University identified five biomarkers in the blood that can see if an individual has been awake for 24 hours. If this study goes well, vehicle crashes could dramatically decrease.
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The Ring Door Bell

By: Eric Ji, Journalist
The Ring door bell has been perfected and redesigned over the course of years ever since it was released in 2014.  New features are constantly being added to the Ring door bell in order to improve safety for the user.  
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Image: Unsplash

What You Need to Know Before Getting a BMX Bike

By: Rohan Telhan, Journalist
Your checklist for BMX buyers.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology