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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Microsoft's Quantum Computer

Microsoft Has Major Breakthrough in Quantum Computing

By: Noor Ouertatani, Journalist
This breakthrough could help America stay ahead in computing, lead to medical discoveries, protect national security, and improve climate science and AI. The Majorana 1 chip could change the future by making computers way more powerful and helping solve some of the world's biggest problems.
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a glass of beer

The Story Of Microsoft

By: Vaibhav Saravanan, Journalist
Microsoft is one of the most successful companies in the world with a net value of around 3.1 trillion dollars. It was founded by two friends: Bill Gates, and Paul Allen.
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a white and blue square object on a white background

AI Backpack

By: Kaleb Fuard, Journalist
Microsoft is working on an AI powered backpack that is way ahead of its time. It has components that allow it to understand its environment which allows it to perform amazing tasks, hands-free, and it can sync with other devices you own.
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originally posted to Flickr as Blue Gene / P From Argonne National Laboratory

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Microsoft Spent Millions To Put Together A Supercomputer For OpenAI

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
Microsoft received a unique request from a little-known startup nearly five years ago to assemble computing power on a scale it had never done before.
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Microsoft's AI Can Translate Your Voice Into Foreign Languages

Microsoft’s AI Can Translate Your Voice Into Foreign Languages

By: Yusuf Lashin, Journalist
Do you want to know how Microsoft can translate your voice into foreign languages? Then this article is for you!
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"Microsoft Windows10" by TheBetterDay is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Windows 11: Improved or Rip-off?

By: Prateek Malekar, Journalist
Microsoft finally released its new OS, Windows 11, which is supposedly better than Windows 10.
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Why is Internet Explorer So Slow?

By: Thomas Crosno, Journalist

Internet Explorer is one of the worst browsers that you could possibly use. It's slow has an outdated design and is the most hated browser in history. It was hated so much that Microsoft decided to discontinue...

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"internet explorer" by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The End of Internet Explorer

By: Luv Udeshi, Journalist
Microsoft is finally getting rid of one of its most criticized products: Internet Explorer. They announced that they will end their support for IE 11 on June 15, 2022. Microsoft will now be working solely on Microsoft Edge.
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Meet Microsoft’s Surface Pro 4; The Tablet Powerful Enough To Be Your Laptop

  If you rely on your computer for your job, personal life, or just playing games this is perfect for you. "Not only does it have the specs and screen size to stand in for a full-sized laptop,...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology