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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



This is a photo of hydroponics.

How Hydroponics Will Take Over Argiculture

By: Oliver Novack, Journalist
Hydroponics is rapidlly becoming the more efficient way of farming rather than the traditional method witch takes more resources and space.
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white and black cow

Japanese Farmers Are Painting Their Cows With Zebra-Like Stripes

By: Gary Taylor, Journalist
The Japanese black is one of the breeds of cow used to make wagyu beef. But, these cows are plagued with a big problem: Blood-sucking flies such as gadflies and cattle flies.
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karl Wenner a conservation advocate standing in his wet lands he help create

Karl Wenner: From Surgeon to Conservationist Farmer

By: Mason Beasley, Journalist
Karl Wenner had a pollution problem that leaked into the next to Upper Klamath Lake because his land flooded each winter. He solved this problem by creating a wetland on 70 acres of his 400 acre farm to help fix the pollution problem.
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brown and white plastic egg toy


By: Persia Tahereh Maleki, Journalist
Composting is a controlled, aerobic (oxygen-required) process. That is a mixture of organic materials (for example food waste, dried leaves, etc.) into a nutrient-rich soil amendment with is used as plant fertilizer and to improve soil's physical, chemical, and biological properties.
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Sustainable Types of Farming

Sustainable Types of Farming

By: Alex Lu, Journalist
For decades, people have been using large farms that grow the same crops, damaging the ecosystem. They use humongous amounts of resources, such as land, water, fertilizer, and air. Not only this, but they pollute the air and water, damaging the ecosystems around them.  However, by using more sustainable, better farming practices, we can reduce the amount of pollution and benefit the ecosystems.
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A Urban farm

Urban Farming

By: Ian Bilawski, Journalist
Urban farming is a way that people that live in big city's can farm. The way that urban farming works is they put mini farms on tops of buildings. Urban farming was created to grow food in places with limited space.
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Image source: "Fish farm" by Artur Rydzewski is licensed under CC BY 2.0

How Does A Fish Farm Work?

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
More than half of all consumed fish on the planet are farmed all over the world. But how are they farmed?
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Drone farming.  Photo Source:

Drone Agriculture

By: Tomi Vacca, Journalist
Drones are taking the agriculture industry by force. drones soon will be the new shovel and hoe.
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How To Construct And Design A Vertical Gardening Pipe

How To Construct And Design A Vertical Gardening Pipe

How can an individual's plants and flowers be organized into a specific object without having to take up a large amount of space within an apartment, a house, or in a garden? The vertical gardening pipe...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology