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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



A Person Holding a Syringe Filled with Blood

Golden Blood

By: Mina Woods-Corwin, Journalist
Only 43 people have been known to have it. The reason the blood is so special is that it can be donated to anybody with a rare blood type that can't find blood for a transfusion.
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"Super Blood Moon" by cfaobam is licensed with CC BY-NC 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

Lunar Eclipse: What Is It?

By: Markus Merrill, Reporter
Wonder what is a lunar eclipse, how it works, and what makes it red?
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Microbots That Can Navigate Human Blood Cells

Microbots That Can Navigate Human Blood Cells

A team of researchers created a new invention that could help many people around the world. Their new invention is a microbot. This tiny build can do more than tiny things. It can navigate your blood...

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Nanobots that Detoxify Blood

Nanobots that Detoxify Blood

Engineers have created ultrasound powered nanobots that can remove harmful bacteria and the toxins they produce. The nanobots provide an easy and more efficient way to remove harmful substances from...

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Rwandan Drone Blood Delivery

Rwandan Drone Blood Delivery

Drones can be used in many different ways, but now they are beginning to be used for humanitarian missions. The Company Zipline has created...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology