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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



A robotic hand reaching into a digital network on a blue background, symbolizing AI technology.

Bio-Inspired Robots

By: Laith Kassim, Journalist
Engineers are increasingly turning to nature for inspiration in the field of bio-inspired robotics. This approach leverages the millions of years of evolutionary refinement found in living organisms to develop innovative robotic solutions. By studying how animals and plants have adapted to their environments, engineers gain valuable insights into efficient design and functionality.
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photography of gray elephant

Woolly Mammoths are Turning into Woolly Mice

By: Benjamin Siegel, Journalist
Woolly Mice are the next step to bringing the woolly Mammoth back to life. They are bringing them back by using mice with woolly Mammoth genes.
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a tall building with a clock on the side of it

Bioenergy, Pros and Cons

By: Olivia Quinn, Journalist
Bioenergy, like all other renewable energy types has its pros and cons, do its pros outweigh the cons? Is Bioenergy a truly viable renewable energy, or is it not reliable?
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The Pomato Plant

How To Make A “Potato Tomato”

By: Emma Huang, Journalist
The Pomato or Tomtato, also known as 'Ketchup 'n Fries' is a plant that both grows tomatoes on the top and potatoes beneath the roots. This plant is not genetically modified or cross bred. The plant actually started from the seed of a normal tomato and the bud of an ordinary potato. This article will explain how this Frankenstein-like plant exists and perhaps even instructions to build your own potato-tomato plant.
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Creator: UCSD Jacobs School of Engineering - David Baillot 
Copyright: Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


By: Kirin Hanson, Journalist
Biocomputers (also called 3D brains) are 3D culture of neurons and brain tissue that mimic our brains. Biocomputers in the future could be more advanced than AI.
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The Truth Behind GMO

The Truth Behind GMO

By: Emma Huang, Journalist
Did you know that 80% of all foods in the U.S.A. have at least one ingredient that is a GMO? So what is GMO? And does it really do more harm than good?
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Algae Farms: Nature's Versatile Green Solution

Algae Farms: Nature’s Versatile Green Solution

By: Pranav Sharma, Journalist
Algae farms hold promise as a renewable source of biofuels, such as biodiesel and bioethanol. Certain species of algae produce oils that can be extracted and converted into fuels with properties similar to conventional fossil fuels.
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"File:Regenerative Reliquary by Amy Karle 2016 bioart sculpture.jpg" by LaughingAlbatross is marked with CC BY 4.0.


By: Zakaria Najmeddine, Journalist
Printing started out from pasting words or images onto paper in 2D. However, new printers have been developed and put to the use to go beyond the second dimension.  Recently, 3D printers have been going mainstream in many industries. The reasons being is due to the amount of uses it has and the many types there are.
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Bioelectric Hybrid Plane: Fact or Fiction?

Bioelectric Hybrid Plane: Fact or Fiction?

By: Noah Bohn, Journalist
A British startup company is attempting to make a tri-winged, bioelectric hybrid plane.
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"Greenhouse" by roanokecollege is licensed under CC BY 2.0

New Light-Regulating Smart Windows For Greenhouses

By: Lena Tosounidis, Reporter

We all know greenhouses. They're the special buildings that allow people to grow crops in inconvenient conditions. As the world's population increases, the amount of available and appropriate farmland...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology