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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Walker McCann

Satellites Set To Stage Fake Solar Eclipse For Studies Of Sun’s Corona

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
 A total solar eclipse on April 8 will be a rare and short opportunity for scientists to observe the Sun's mysterious corona.

Why Blurred Lasers Make For Better 3D Printers

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
This new method – Blurred Tomography – improved 3D-printing optics and drastically reduced printing time. The optics produced were at least equivalent to commercially available optics. They could be printed in half an hour or less.

Effect Of Blue Light On Sleep

By: Walker McCann, Jounalist
On average, Americans spend 7 hours per day on their electronic devices, which means they’re spending a significant amount of time staring into blue light. Not only that, but nine out of ten Americans say they reach for their electronic devices at least a few times each week right before they go to sleep, which could be a sign that they’re not getting enough sleep.

Patient In China Gets First Ever Gene-Altered Pig Liver Transplant

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
In recent years, there has been an increase in the amount of space available for organ transplants, and researchers are trying to find ways to make these transplants easier. This latest development may help improve the quality of organ transplantation.
white police car in wall

Design For Trucks To Protect From Crashes

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
Chalmers University’s team focused on protecting the cabin of the passenger car in the event of a head on collision. This is not possible with traditional truck designs, so the aim of the research was to change the way trucks and cars interacted during a crash.

Biggest Steel Mill In The World Set To Transform Into Windmill Plant

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
The US Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration has announced a $47.4 billion offshore wind manufacturing hub in Baltimore County.

Google Cancels All Waze And Maps In Gaza And Israel

By: Walker McCann, Jounalist
Google is temporarily blocking Maps and Waze in both Israel and Gaza. Google Maps is used by more than one billion people worldwide, who provide real-time data to Google for traffic and road conditions analysis.

‘Droplet’ Battery Inspired By Eels Hope To Power Small Bio-Devices

By: Walker McCann, Journalist

A "droplet battery", designed by researchers at Oxford University, was inspired by eels and the way they create electricity. This battery has the agility to directly stimulate cells with a current generated...

All Time Low For Maximum Annual Antarctic Sea Ice

By: Walker McCann, Jounalist
All Time Low For Maximum Annual Antarctic Sea Ice

Sales In Vegan Meats Are Going Down

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
Why are plant meats going down in popularity?

Scientists Make A New Cure For Death Cap Poisoning

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a newly developed antidote called indocyanine green that can reduce the toxicity of α-amanitin. A-amanitin is a toxin produced by the death cap mushroom which is one of the world's most poisonous fungus.

6 Million Tons Of Seaweed Showing Up On Florida Beaches

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
Threatening to cover Caribbean islands and Florida beaches in foul-smelling mounds of decomposing brown sludge, a 5,000-mile-long blob of seaweed that weighs an estimated 6.1 million tons is threatening to block the world's oceans.

Penguins are Getting Custom Eye Lenses and Receiving Eye Surgery

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
Three king penguins received surgery for the first time ever. The surgery put an artificial eye lense in their eye so they could see well again.

Microsoft Spent Millions To Put Together A Supercomputer For OpenAI

By: Walker McCann, Journalist
Microsoft received a unique request from a little-known startup nearly five years ago to assemble computing power on a scale it had never done before.

US Develops AI-Powered Facial Recognition Tech for Military Robot Drones

By: Walker McCann, Journalist

Facial Recognition Drone Recently, facial recognition technology for drones has been developed by the US Air Force. The drones will be used by special operations personnel for gathering intelligence...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Walker McCann