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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Thomas sites

All content by Thomas sites

How Does a Water Cutter Work?

By: Thomas sites, Author
A water cutter is a very useful tool for engineers when they need a specific piece for their device. A water cutter is a tool that uses high pressure water to cut through wood, metal, and even diamonds.

How Does Lightning Work?

By: Thomas Sites, Journalist
You may wonder why lightning strikes what is it made of. Well if you have had those thoughts this articles for you.
"Steam Locomotive No. 844 - Del Rio, TX" by Charles & Clint is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

How Does Steam Power Work?

By: Thomas sites, Reporter
One of the biggest events in engineering was the invention of the steam engine. This made transport and automation infinitely better.

Man Creates A Hand Held Laser Pointer That Can Easily Blind People

By: Thomas Sites, Reporter
In his latest video he focused on making a key chain laser pointer as strong as possible but still keeping around the same size.

Elegoo Arduino R3 Uno: How to make a light turn on using a button

By: Thomas sites, Reporter

This project I found and used the code for it, I found through the instructions used in the link below. The first thing you want to do is get all your parts needed for this project. 1 red led 1...

The New Member To Professional Sports

By: Thomas sites, Reporter

We have so many televised and professional sports such as soccer, baseball and football. A sport that has in the past years grown a lot in popularity but is only watched during the summer Olympics. Swimming...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Thomas sites