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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Nick Boukens

Hearing Aids

By: Nick Boukens, Journalist
The 3 parts that are in all hearing aids would be a microphone, a sound amplifier, and a speaker. Some features would include feedback management, wind noise reduction, impulse noise reduction, digital noise reduction, and direction microphone systems. Some features would include feedback management, wind noise reduction, impulse noise reduction, digital noise reduction, and direction microphone systems.

Oil Drills

By: Nick Boukens, Journalist
How do we collect all of the oil we use daily?
"Thrust SSC" by twm1340 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Thrust SSC, The Fastest Car In The World!

By: Nick Boukens, Journalist
The Thrust SSC, which was built by many people including Richard noble, zoomed past recorders, brought the sand and dust high up into the air. The Thrust SSC has the record for the fastest car in the world, it is the only land vehicle that has gone past the sound barrier!

Bullet Airplane

By: Nick Boukens, Journalist
This fantastic six-person jet promises to cut down on fuel consumption. It will fly at jet speeds, twice as far as any other jet, and use eight times less fuel.

Carbon Converters To Solve Climate Change

By: Nick Boukens, Journalist
Climate change is a big part of the world. How can we fix this? With machines of course.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Nick Boukens