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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Nazli Pazhouhfam

All content by Nazli Pazhouhfam

Arduino Uno R3 Elegoo Controlling A Servo Motor With A Joystick Project

By: Nazli Pazhouhfam, Reporter
The materials you will need for this project are 3 breadboard jumper wires, 3 female-to-male dupont wires, a joystick, a servo motor, a uno R3 controller board, and a USB cable.

Arduino Uno R3 Elegoo Controlling A DC Motor With A Joystick Project

By: Nazli Pazhouhfam, Reporter
Making the arduino uno r3 elegoo controlling a DC motor with a joystick project.

Arduino Uno R3 Elegoo LED Sequential Control Project

By: Nazli Pazhouhfam, Reporter

Today I will be making the arduino uno R3 elegoo LED sequential control project. The materials that you will need for this project are, one uno R3 controller board, one 830 tie-points breadboard, one USB...

3 Endangered Animals

By: Nazli Pazhouhfam, Reporter

There are a lot of animals that are endangered but today we will be talking about the top 3, the Javan rhinoceros, the Vaquita, and the Mountain gorilla. Javan rhinoceros Javan rhinoceros are becoming...

Arduino Uno R3 Elegoo Servo Project

By: Nazli Pazhouhfam, Reporter

Today I will be making the arduino uno R3 elegoo servo project. The materials you will need for this project are, a USB cable, the uno R3 controller board, 3 breadboard jumper wires, and one servo motor...

iPhone 12 Series

By: Nazli Pazhouhfam, Reporter

Apple just dropped out the new iPhones, the iPhone 12 series. In the iPhone 12 series there are four iPhones, the iPhone 12 mini, the iPhone 12, the iPhone 12 pro, and the iPhone 12 pro max. All of...

What is Among Us?

By: Nazli Pazhouhfam, Journalist

Among Us, you might be asking yourself what is this game and how do you play it, well you don't have to worry about that anymore because I have all the information you need. Basics of Among Us Among...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Nazli Pazhouhfam