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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Jonathan Tabbal

All content by Jonathan Tabbal

AI Agent Hide and Seek – OpenAI

By: Jonathan Tabbal, Journalist
In a test done by OpenAI, hiders and seekers wee placed in a virtual environment where they would play millions of games of hide and seek. At first they would just run away, but then they learned skills like blocking doors with the cubes and locking them in place.

Is Skynet Possible?

By: Jonathan Tabbal, Journalist
Terminator's Skynet once seemed impossible, but could it actually happen?

Traxxas and Latrax – What went wrong?

By: Jonathan Tabbal, Journalist
Traxxas' idea for a mini car, Latrax, was supposed to be a cheaper alternative but what went wrong?

Why did Among Us Take off?

By: Jonathan Tabbal, Journalist
Why did Among Us take off? It all started with the lockdown.

Self Transforming blocks

By: Jonathan Tabbal, Journalist
These are self transforming blocks. They can spin, jump, flip, and identify each other. They can perform simple tasks, such as forming an arrow, lines, or tracking light sources.

Freeze-ray vs Flamethrower

By: Jonathan Tabbal, Journalist
A freeze ray has been created out of liquid nitrogen. It now partakes in an epic battle against a flamethrower!

Snake Robot

By: Jonathan Tabbal, Journalist
This robot snake could be the future of rescues! It uses mechanical engineering to move about.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Jonathan Tabbal