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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Jayashree Ezhilarasu
3D Printers in the Medical Field

3D Printers in the Medical Field

3D printers are used to make 3D objects. 3D printers are similar to printers, but instead of ink cartridges they use spindles of materials like plastic, rubber, or metal. The material on the spindle...

Nanobots that Detoxify Blood

Nanobots that Detoxify Blood

Engineers have created ultrasound powered nanobots that can remove harmful bacteria and the toxins they produce. The nanobots provide an easy and more efficient way to remove harmful substances from...

#solarcharger4life Final Post

#solarcharger4life Final Post

We had decided to make a solar phone charger that was Eco-friendly and easy to use. We bought solar panels, diodes, battery holders, DC to DC 5V USB modules, and small Tupperware boxes. We then realized...

Solar Panel Testing

Solar Panel Testing

When we tested our solar panel chargers with our phones they did not charge. We realized that our batteries were not strong enough to charge our phones. With further research we saw that we needed 5V of...

How Do Solar Panels Work?

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels or photovoltaic cells use semi-conductive materials like silicone . The photovoltaic cells also need to make an electrical field, to do this manufacturers manipulate the silicon with different...

3D Printed Soft Hands That Can Sense Motion

3D Printed Soft Hands That Can Sense Motion

Researchers at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering have developed a soft robotic arm that can sense motion,...

Scientists Eliminating the HIV Virus from Mice

Scientists Eliminating the HIV Virus from Mice

AIDS is a life threatening disease that has affected millions of people around the world. The HIV virus can develop into AIDS if not properly medicated and watched over. In 2017 a study was conducted...

Hearts Made of Adult Stem Cells

Hearts Made of Adult Stem Cells

Many patients who have issues with their hearts. These people often need new hearts, meaning they need heart transplants. There is a very, very long wait list for a new heart, and these people have...

Energy efficient water purifier.

Solar Powered Water Purifier

More than one-tenth of the world struggles with having clean water, the solar powered water purifier is a cheaper alternate to the standard water purifier. The creators have said that the solar purifier...

The picture above shows the LED Eclipse invented by Jonathan Bumstead.

LED Musical Instrument (Eclipse)

  The LED Eclipse is like a circular piano that plays sounds by using touch sensors that are located around the perimeter of the device. The LED's are programmed to light up when a certain...

The PlayTable at CES 2018 above.


    PlayTable is an electronic device acting as an electronic board for games. PlayTable plans to have an assortment of games and letting consumers use physical objects as game pieces....

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Jayashree Ezhilarasu