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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Evan Nghe

The Functions of a Gas Pedal

By: Evan Nghe, Journalist
The most common use of transportation people use everyday are cars, but how do cars actually work? What happens when you step on the gas?


By: Evan Nghe, Journalist
People show expressions and add flavor into their conversations with laughter everyday, but why do we laugh?


By: Evan Nghe, Journalist
Mistakes will only get in your way if you let it.

Airplane Mode; What Does It Do

By: Evan Nghe, Journalist
Airplane mode has many benefits and affects on on people, but what exactly are they?

Why You Should Keep Drinking Water

By: Evan Nghe, Journalist
Dehydration can lead to drops in energy, mood, skin moisture, and blood pressure. Drinking can also have benefits for when your older like less chance of strokes, help manage diabetes, and reduce the risk of certain types of cancers.

The Functionalities Of Cryonics

By: Evan Nghe, Journalist
Cryonics is the study of preserving bodies once they die and hopefully being able to revive them in the future. Sadly, cryonics ultimately don't work as of now.

How to Spot Lies

By: Evan Nghe, Journalist
People get lied to everyday, but how do we find out when someone is lying? Most of the lies are simple, but they can still be harmful.

The Affects of Stress on Your Brain

By: Evan Nghe, "Journalist"
How does stress work? Stress shrinks your brain.

How Does Smoking Cigarettes Affect You

By: Evan Nghe, "Journalist"

Many people smoke even though smoking is incredibly unhealthy. Smoking can have many negative effects on your health and lungs and can destroy your body. Smoking leaves a tar/goo-like substance in your...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Evan Nghe