
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



Airplane Mode; What Does It Do

The Benefits of Airplane Mode
What happens if you don’t put your phone in airplane mode? – Lindsay DeMarchi
“airplane” by Kuster & Wildhaber Photography is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

What Does Airplane Mode Do and What Are ___ Waves

Throughout the world, there are many signals and radio waves being sent around. These house sized radio waves carry information and transfers it around inputs and outputs. Airplane mode stops your phone from sending out these signals and crowding up the sky. By doing this, you can protect everyone and everything in your flight path. iPhones connect to networks by emitting information via radio waves.  If these signals are constantly being disputed in the air, it could possibly cause blocks and jams throughout the network.

How Do Radio Waves Play Into Everyday Use

When call someone, your phone generates a signal which gets sent to a cell tower. This tower then relays the signal from your phone to other towers until it reaches the tower where the other person calling is connected to. Since there are many people around the world calling at once, they have to have their own wavelength which is assigned to them by a cell tower. This wavelength/color makes sure you don’t pick up anyone else’s phone calls. There’s a limited amount of colors and radio waves that can be assigned and a lot of radio waves already in the sky which creates a problem; avoid interference becomes more difficult.

On The Airplane

Another interference that can be common is on airplanes when phones are searching for cell towers to send signals to. Since that phone will so high in the air, it will work extra to send larger signals in hopes of connecting to a tower. With the plane going as fast as a plane would, there might be towers closer than a phone would expect, causing the phone to blast the cell tower with huge radio waves, which can cause a lot of problems and interference. This interference can cause many problems ranging from laggy calls to radio wave pollution interfering with radio telescopes that help us discover more about the whole cosmos. Thankfully there’s a quick and easy fix to this; turn on airplane mode. Airplane mode stops our phones from sending signals temporarily and prevents interference with the people below us.



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