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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



All content by Brian Trong-Khanh Dinh Nguyen

How We Grab Objects

Contracting our muscle is something we do on an instinctive level, it's something we are programed in the brain to execute the moment we are conceived into the world.

How to Properly Open a Door

Opening doors to us is as simple as breathing, but because it’s such a simple concept, we rarely ever give thought about how we open a door.

An Honest Review of Chicken Shoot for the Nintendo Wii

Chicken shoot has a horrendous rating from media sources like IGN metacritic and Gamestop, but are their rating justified?

An Honest Review of M&M Kart Racing for the WII

The legendary M&M Kart racing which is known for being the worst game in history, but is it true?
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
Brian Trong-Khanh Dinh Nguyen