
ESTEEM Center for Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, English & Math



Revolutionizing Brain Repair

3D-printed tissues offer hope for injuries

In a groundbreaking stride at the forefront of scientific innovation, researchers at the University of Oxford have achieved a momentous breakthrough by utilizing 3D printing technology to construct brain tissue using human stem cells. This pioneering achievement not only represents a remarkable feat in the field of neural tissue engineering but also holds immense promise for future applications in treating brain injuries.New 3D-Printing Method Could Help Repair Brain Injuries | Design and Development Today

The focal point of this breakthrough lies in the creation of neural cells through 3D printing that replicate the intricate structure of the cerebral cortex—the brain’s outer layer. The cerebral cortex, with its layered cellular architecture, plays a crucial role in higher cognition through intricately wired neural circuits.

The 3D-printing process, a significant advancement in the evolving field of biological tissue printing, involves the meticulous layer-by-layer fabrication of living tissue structures using specialized 3D printers. This cutting-edge technology has far-reaching implications, particularly in the realms of medicine and research.

Before this breakthrough, the challenge lay in ensuring that 3D-printed stem cells could precisely replicate the complex structure of the human brain. However, the University of Oxford researchers demonstrated the feasibility of 3D printing a two-layered cortical tissue using high-precision droplet printing technology. This technology utilized thousands of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) suspended in a solution to create two separate bio-inks. These bio-inks were then employed in the printing process, resulting in the creation of a sophisticated two-layered brain structure that mimics the natural cerebral cortex.

The printed biological tissue, a testament to the success of this method, was implanted into mouse brain slices. Remarkably, the engineered tissue demonstrated both structural solidity and functional integration with the surrounding host tissue. The signaling activity of the transplanted cells matched that of the host cells, showcasing a level of success that has the potential to reshape the landscape of neuroscientific research and medical treatment.

Looking ahead, the research team aims to further enhance droplet printing technology to develop more complex and multi-layered cerebral cortex tissues. Linna Zhou, one of the senior authors, highlighted the potential of the droplet printing technique in engineering living 3D tissues with desired architectures, bringing us closer to the creation of personalized implantation treatments for brain injury.

Infographic: Leading Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury | BrainLine

Brain injuries, caused by various events such as trauma, strokes, and brain tumor surgery, can result in impairments in cognition, movement, and speech. Unfortunately, viable treatments for these injuries are currently lacking. However, the advent of tissue regenerative therapies, as demonstrated by this 3D printing breakthrough, offers a glimmer of hope for healing and repairing the intricate parts of the brain affected by such injuries.

Yongcheng Jin, the lead author, underlined the significance of this advance in fabricating materials with the full structure and function of natural brain tissues. The work not only provides a unique opportunity to explore the workings of the human cortex but also offers hope to individuals who sustain brain injuries.

In addition to addressing brain injuries, the research team proposes that these engineered tissues could find applications in drug testing and research on brain development. The potential of this technology to revolutionize the understanding and treatment of neurological conditions is immense.Huge study of teen brains could reveal roots of mental illness, impacts of drug abuse | Science | AAAS

As the results of this groundbreaking study are published in the esteemed journal Nature Communications, the scientific community is buzzing with excitement about the possibilities that 3D-printed brain tissues bring to the forefront of medical research.




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