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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



a star wars vehicle sits in a rocky area

The Real Physics of an X-Wing

By: Jake Themely, Journalist
Could an X-Wing really fly? Well, the short answer is no.
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AT-M6, The Metal Gorilla in Star Wars

AT-M6, The Metal Gorilla in Star Wars

By: Joe Lam, Journalists
Introducing, the All Terrain Megacaliber Six.
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Y-Wing, The X-Wing’s sidekick

By: Joe Lam, Journalist
In the Star Wars franchise, there is a whole shipload of different types of spaceships. And since most of the details in Star Wars was based/inspired from World War 2, it won't be pretty surprising if the spaceships here was detailed just like in WW2.
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Screen Capture from Starwars Squadron

Starwars Squadrons Video Game Overview

By: Pablo Argueta, Reporter

Star Wars Squadrons is a space combat game, played from a first-person perspective. Players take control of starfighters from either the Galactic Empire and the New Republic navy. As players earn more...

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Death Star

Costs for Planet Destroying Death Laser…

Introduction The Death Star... one of if not the most Iconic Star Wars related things. The Death Star (DS-1 Orbital Battle Station) was Originally planned out and designed by the Geonosians, a Winged...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology
#Star Wars