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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Size comparison of a hypothetical quasi-star to some of the largest known stars. The Sun is too small to be fitted. (CC0)

Quasi Stars

By: Brandon Tao, Journalist
Quasi-Stars are amongst the largest stars ever to of ever existed in the universe, they burned brighter than galaxies & dwarfed any stars that exist today or could ever exist in the future. But the strange part is that they were inhabited by a black hole, slowly devouring it from the inside out.
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an image of a very large star in the sky

The Birth Of A Star

By: Sir Pharaoh Carter, Journalist
You may think that stars have existed since the start of the world or that they just randomly appear, but the creation of a star is one of the most complicated processes that you can ever learn about. In a literal sense, stars are very hot balls that are made of gases such as hydrogen and helium that are power by nuclear fusion but these stars don't just appear.
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"NASA's Hubble Space Telescope Finds Dead Stars 'Polluted with Planet Debris'" by NASA Goddard Photo and Video is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Neutron Stars and How They’re Made

By: Taha Rabah, Journalist
There are different layers of a neutron star, first we have the outer layer which is 1 million kelvin which is much hotter then the measly 5778 C of our sun.
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"Hot Blue Stars Near the Core of Galaxy M32" by NASA Hubble is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The Massive Star That Vanished

By: Elvis Pham, Journalist
A massive star is also known as PHL 293B, in a galaxy 75 million light-years away from Earth mysteriously disappeared recently and no one knows what happened.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology