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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Photography of Road during Winter Season

A White Christmas In Virginia

By: Susana Turcios Amaya, Journalist
In a perfect Christmas movie, it always snows on Christmas morning. Most kids wish for it to snow on Christmas.
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"Andermatt - Snow Cannon" by Kecko is marked with CC BY 2.0.

The Artificial Snow Making Process

By: Ella Wallinger, Journalist
As studies have shown global warming and climate change have heavily affected our ecosystem. This issue poses a massive problem for ski resorts.
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"Rock salt crystals" by włodi is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

How Does Salt Melt Snow?

By: Madeline Seminaro, Journalist
Why does salt, a component that seasons our foods, melt ice? This all starts with frozen water, that is what snow an ice are made up of after all.
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Geothermal Snow Melter

Geothermal Snow Melter

This system uses the earth's natural heat in the crust to melt the snow. It does this by pumping water down in to the crust heating up the water. After the water is heated it is pumped back up to the surface,...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology