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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



Genius Quantum Computer Solves Problem Faster Than Supercomputer

Genius Quantum Computer Solves Problem Faster Than Supercomputer

By: Jordan Jeon, Journalist
World-first: US quantum computer solves problem million years faster than supercomputer.
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a black and white photo of a bunch of diamonds

How Microwaves Unlock Power Of Uncontrollable Diamond Qubits In Quantum Leap

By: Grayson Matlis, Journalist
Have you ever heard about how microwaves can help unlock the power of diamond qubits? It’s pretty cool! So, there are these tiny things called qubits that are like super small parts of atoms. Scientists are figuring out how to control them to make really powerful computers. But the problem is, qubits can be kind of wild and hard to control.
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How Quantum Computing Works

By: Christian Jeon, Journalist
Quantum computing is a new and complex branch of computing that uses the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations.
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Quantum Computers

Quantum Computers

By: Namish Gupta, Journalist

A quantum computer is a computer which makes use of the quantum states of subatomic particles to store information. In other words, a quantum computer uses quantum mechanics to calculate and store information....

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An Introduction To Quantum Mechanics

By: Benita Xavier, Journalist
Tsunamis, being exceptionally treacherous, are impossible to stop, leaving us with the only option of evacuating the area as our survival while abandoning many buildings behind. Not all people escape in time, ending up in a life-threatening situation, in which many of them die. What should we do about this disastrous event and how can we lessen the amounts of deaths because of it?
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Worlds Fastest Object Isn’t A Rocket. It’s A Computer.

By: Abhi Palikala, Journalist
One of the most difficult mathematical problems, which would take the worlds fastest supercomputer over 10,000 years, solved in 200 seconds.
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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology