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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology



The Evolution of the Google Pixel

The Evolution of the Google Pixel

By: Forest Rowe, Journalist
Explore how the Google pixel has evolved over the years.
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Blue Light's Effect On Sleep

Blue Light’s Effect On Sleep

By: Lucas Ferro, Journalist

Blue light can negatively affect sleep primarily because it interferes with the body's natural circadian rhythm. This rhythm is regulated by the hormone melatonin, which helps signal to your body when...

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person lying on bed while covering face with pillow and holding eyeglasses

Effect Of Blue Light On Sleep

By: Walker McCann, Jounalist
On average, Americans spend 7 hours per day on their electronic devices, which means they’re spending a significant amount of time staring into blue light. Not only that, but nine out of ten Americans say they reach for their electronic devices at least a few times each week right before they go to sleep, which could be a sign that they’re not getting enough sleep.
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a black and a gold oneplug phone on a black surface

What the difference between the Iphone 14 and 15 is

By: Alexander Tang, Journalist
So, how did Apple get started and what did they produce? Apple was founded on April 1, 1976, in Los Altos, California by college dropouts and good friends Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.
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Why Apple Doesn't Sell The Best Phones.

Why Apple Doesn’t Sell The Best Phones.

By: William Allen, Journalist
Apple's iPhones are known for their premium prices. This makes them less accessible to people who are on a tight budget.
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person holding white android smartphone

Google Has Blocked The Use Of Maps And Navigation Apps In Israel And The Gaza Strip.

By: Pablo Cardozo Torrez, Journalism
Have you heard that Google has taken away the map feature from Israel and Waze? Check out this article to find out more!
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How Apple Tricks You

By: Avi Dhanjal, Journalist
The things they do to make you want to buy an apple product. The decoy effect is a widely used marketing tactic employed by sellers of all types, ranging from large corporations to street vendors, in order to entice customers into purchasing more expensive products instead of their cheaper alternatives.
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person holding white Android smartphone in white shirt

The Reason Behind Our Phone Addiction

By: Zymaia Mendes, Journalist
Phones have undoubtedly transformed our lives and brought many conveniences, but they've also created phone addictions. Understanding the reasons behind this addiction is crucial in finding a balance between staying connected and staring at our phones all the time.
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white smartphone near laptop

How Your Phone Screen Works

By: Desmond Kraft, Journalist
Have you ever wondered how you phone screen displays such detailed images? You probably already know about pixels, and how each pixel is made up of red, green, and blue light, but how does the phone turn each light on and off at will? There is not enough space for hundreds of thousands of wires or lightbulbs in there. So what is going on?
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Photo by Aman Pal on Unsplash

Top Social Media Apps Of 2023

By: Hibba Abbas, Journalist
Unlike the early 1800's were phones weren't even invented yet, nowadays almost everybody has phone.  Social media is one of the top places where people go on their phone.
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Very First iPhone vs. iPhone 13s

Comparing the Very First iPhone to the iPhone 13s

By: Meg Lagera, Journalist

As of 2021, it has been 14 years since the release of the Very First iPhone, and Apple has most certainly come a long way since then. In the United States, the first iPhone was released on June 29, 2007,...

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Samsung's Galaxy Flip Phones

Samsung’s Galaxy Flip Phones

By: Lyna Tran, Journalist

In 2020, Samsung decided to bring back flip phones. But the real question is, does it do any good? The Samsung flip phone can be very convenient. It is foldable, so it fits right in your pocket. Samsung...

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Dr. Luther P. Jackson ESTEEM Center for Engineering and Technology